(RADIATOR) Re: System Sevice on NT

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Wed Jun 6 02:20:12 CDT 2001

Hello Chairarth -

You will need to do the following:

install the Radiator code into the Perl file hierarchy like this:
	perl Makefile.PL install

(see section 4.3 in the manual)

Otherwise, Perl will not be able to find the Radiator modules, as you have 



On Wednesday 06 June 2001 16:24, chairarth wrote:

> > Hi Hugh,
> Today I try to set Radiator to be started automatically at boot time. I
> have done following step at section 16.4 in the Radiator 2.18.1
> reference manual. Well, after restart NT machine , using the Services in
> the Control Panel, I can see that radiator sevice is started . But I
> cann't login.
> So I try to run command ( like I edit in String Value) from the root
> directory of the D: drive as below
> d:\Perl\bin\Perl.exe d:\Radiator-Demo-2.18\radiusd -config_file
> d:\Radiator-Demo-2.18\radius.cfg
> ( I install perl and Radiator on dirve D: )
> Then , the error message is showed on windows ( see attachfile
> error.bmp). But when I run  command as above from the directory
> D:\Radiator-Demo-2.18 , it 's ok.  So please let me know how can I solve
> this problem
> Thanks
> Chairath

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