(RADIATOR) IPs allocated forever

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Fri Jul 6 04:02:34 CDT 2001

Hi Jon -

At 12:11 +0200 01/7/5, Jon Omagojeaskoa wrote:
>Thanks Hugh
>My config-file was like:
>         DBSource       ...
>         DBUsername      ...
>         DBAuth          ...
>         GetClientQuery        select NASIDENTIFIER,SECRET,NULL,NULL,     \
>                                      DEFAULTREALM,NASTYPE,SNMPCOMMUNITY \
>                                 from RADCLIENTLIST
>I've added the DUPINTERVAL field to my RADCLIENTLIST table with 
>value "4"  for the problematic NAS and:
>         GetClientQuery        select 
>                                      DEFAULTREALM,NASTYPE,SNMPCOMMUNITY \
>                                 from RADCLIENTLIST
>Problem solved !!


>There are still "lost" IPs due to lost Stop-Packets, but I can clean 
>them once a day with a crontab-script that sets STATE=0 to those IPs 
>on RADPOOL that are not in RADONLINE.FRAMEDIPADDRESS. Is there a way 
>to do the same "cleaning" within radiusd using
>         ReclaimQuery
>         DefaultLeasePeriod
>                 LeaseReclaimInterval
>I work with MySQL database an nested SELECT querys are not allowed :-(

I think you will be better off doing your housekeeping outside Radiator.




NB: I am travelling this week, so there may be delays in our correspondence.

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