(RADIATOR) Group and NT Auth

Anton Krall akrall at team.inter.net
Wed Jul 4 12:56:31 CDT 2001


Im using Auth NT to run radiator under nt to auth with my firewall..

Everything is working fine except that I cant the Group = XXX inside
the Authby NT to work.

How do you make sure a user belong to a certain group in NT and also,
how can you nest Authyby? I think I can use the identifiers on Authby
to cascade Authbys, am I right?

And how do I make the Group clause in Authby work?


Anton Krall
Director de Tecnologia
Inter.net Mexico
Email: akrall at team.inter.net
Directo: 5-241-7609
Conmutador: 5-241-7600
Mobile: 044-5105-5160

Outside Mexico:
Office: (525)241-7609
PBX: (525)241-7600
Mobile: (525)105-5160

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