SQL Server (DPR#11789)

Alex Fritz alex at kerdaino.com
Fri Dec 28 23:03:04 CST 2001

Hey guys,
   I emailed you earlier today about using Radiator with SQL Server 2000.  I
emailed ActiveState and got some information I thought pertained to this
problem and I was curious if it was possible to use the solution mentioned
below rather than ODBC.  Thanks.

Alex Fritz
Kerdaino Enterprises

-----Original Message-----
From: Troy Topnik [mailto:Support at Bugs.ActiveState.com]
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2001 5:07 PM
To: alex at kerdaino.com
Subject: Re: SQL Server (DPR#11789)


There is no DBD module for MS Sql.  You may want to try using MSSQL::Dblib
and/or MSSQL::Sqllib.


You can install DBIx-MSSQLReporter or DBIx::AnyDBD using PPM which also may
provide the database connectivity you need.

I'm not sure if any of the above will work with Radiator.  You may have to
DBD-ODBC in the end.

Best regards,

Troy Topnik, TroyT at ActiveState.com
Customer Relationship Representative, ActiveState

> Hi,
>   I am using a software package called Radiator in order to perform Radius
> authentication and accounting.  It runs off of ActivePerl and I previously
> was using this system on an Oracle database.  Now I am setting this system
> up for somebody using SQL Server 2000 and I am a little lost in finding


> correct PPM package to allow Perl to directly connect to MS-SQL.  The


> package specified to search for DBD packages of which I haven't seen any I
> can use to connect to SQL Server other than ODBC.  I really don't want to
> use ODBC because of it inefficiency.  Please let me know what solutions


> available.
> Thank you,
> Alex Fritz
> Kerdaino Enterprises
> PS- This is urgent, we have to get this done quickly, so if you could give
> this message a high priority, I would appreciate it.  Whatever you can do
> will be greatly appreciated though.  Thanks again! :)
> ---
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Version: 6.0.307 / Virus Database: 168 - Release Date: 12/11/2001

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