(RADIATOR) Suggestions

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Mon Dec 17 19:41:17 CST 2001

Hello Steve -

On Tue, 18 Dec 2001 09:32, Steve Katen wrote:
> I want to start out by apologizing for sending this request rather than
> reading more into the documentation.  However, I have gone over the manual
> and have been reading some of the postings in the archives, and now I would
> like suggestions for my suspected model.
> I have radiator setup, and plan on storing all data in a mySQL
> database.  The structure of the mySQL database has been setup with the
> mysqlCreate.sql file.
> My ONLY focus is to proxy ALL Authentication packets to secondary radius
> servers.  I will need to determine the radius servers via
> Called-Station-Id.  The information that I have found in the goodies
> directory has been helpful, though I haven't found many answers to my
> questions.  If someone is currently running with this setup, I would love
> any advice you can provide on setting up the radius.cfg file.

It sounds like you should be using the AuthBy SQLRADIUS clause. Have a look 
at section 6.45 in the Radiator 2.19 reference manual ("doc/ref.html") as 
well as the example configuration file ("goodies/sqlradius.cfg").



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