Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Tue Dec 11 23:39:04 CST 2001

Hello Emin -

Thanks for sending the log, but I can't see anything wrong with it (other 
than the second packet shown does not match the debug). Could you please 
provide me with a bit more detail?

BTW - the latest version of Radiator is 2.19.



On Tue, 11 Dec 2001 22:28, Bozkurt, Emin wrote:
> hi,
> i have a problem with the special character "%R". the users of our  network
> have a lot of different user realms where the realm format is specified as:
> dnnnknnnnnnnn (for example d001k12345678) ore Knnnnnnnn (for example
> K12345678).
> for handeling all the requests with one handler we constructed this
> handler.
> <Handler Realm=/(^[d]\d{3}[k]\d{8}$)|(^[K]\d{8}$)/,
> Service-Type=Framed-User>
>          <AuthBy FILE>
>                  Filename /usr/local/lib/radiator/users/%R
>          </AuthBy>
> </Handler>
> and now the problem:
> it seems, that if there are many request with different realms, the pointer
> ( /usr/local/lib/radiator/users/%R) loks at the wrong file to match the
> request.
> we use radiator 2.18.
> by debugging sometimes the file radiator try to match the request is shown
> and somtimes not. by rejekt's this information is newer shown, so i can't
> check, if radiator looks in the right file or not.
> some debugs are attached.
> hope you can help me.
> best regards
> emin
>  <<att-20011209.txt>>
> Emin Bozkurt
> System Technik
> riodata GmbH
> Hessenring 13 a
> 64546 Mörfelden
> Fon	+49 6105 2843 812
> Mobile	+49 163 2843 184
> Fax	+49 6105 2843 777
> www.riodata.de

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