Bozkurt, Emin emin.bozkurt at riodata.de
Tue Dec 11 05:28:09 CST 2001

i have a problem with the special character "%R". the users of our  network
have a lot of different user realms where the realm format is specified as:
dnnnknnnnnnnn (for example d001k12345678) ore Knnnnnnnn (for example
for handeling all the requests with one handler we constructed this handler.

<Handler Realm=/(^[d]\d{3}[k]\d{8}$)|(^[K]\d{8}$)/,
         <AuthBy FILE>
                 Filename /usr/local/lib/radiator/users/%R

and now the problem:
it seems, that if there are many request with different realms, the pointer
( /usr/local/lib/radiator/users/%R) loks at the wrong file to match the
we use radiator 2.18. 
by debugging sometimes the file radiator try to match the request is shown
and somtimes not. by rejekt's this information is newer shown, so i can't
check, if radiator looks in the right file or not.
some debugs are attached.

hope you can help me. 
best regards


Emin Bozkurt
System Technik

riodata GmbH
Hessenring 13 a
64546 Mörfelden

Fon	+49 6105 2843 812
Mobile	+49 163 2843 184
Fax	+49 6105 2843 777


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