(RADIATOR) Atributtes ...

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Fri Aug 31 19:36:13 CDT 2001

Hello Anton -

If you only have a relatively small number of such users, it is 
probably simpler and easier to use cascaded AuthBy modules.

Something like this:

# define AuthBy clauses

<AuthBy DBM>
	Identifier CheckDBM

<AuthBy FILE>
	Identifier CheckFILE
	Filename %D/users

# define Realms or Handlers

<Realm ....>
	AuthBy CheckFILE

The file %D/users would contain this:

# this file contains user reply attributes for some users
# password checking is refered to an AuthBy DBM

DEFAULT Auth-Type = CheckDBM

someuser Auth-Type = CheckDBM

anotheruser Auth-Type = CheckDBM




At 16:16 -0500 01/8/31, Anton Krall wrote:
>I have a problem..
>I am using DBFILE so I create a berkeley file form a plain text file 
>thats in the format..
>user  Encrypted-Password = "{crypt}EkmJMOKoO8omE"
>now.. I need to add some attrbitutes to ceratin users.. depending on 
>the username.. like this:
>user  Encrypted-Password = "{crypt}EkmJMOKoO8omE"
>     Service-Type=Framed-User, Framed-Protocol=PPP, Session-Timeout=5
>but hits is only for certain users... I have the usernames on a 
>separate list... how can I create the pain text file on real time 
>for this? or what would be better? how can assign certain attrbitues 
>to certain users and leave the other without anything?
>Anton Krall
>Director de Tecnologia
>Inter.net Mexico
>Email: <mailto:akrall at team.inter.net>akrall at team.inter.net
>Directo: 5-241-7609
>Conmutador: 5-241-7600
>Mobile: 044-5105-5160
>Outside Mexico:
>Office: (525)241-7609
>PBX: (525)241-7600
>Mobile: (525)105-5160


NB: I am travelling this week, so there may be delays in our correspondence.

Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server
anywhere. SQL, proxy, DBM, files, LDAP, NIS+, password, NT, Emerald,
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Available on Unix, Linux, FreeBSD, Windows 95/98/2000, NT, MacOS X.
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