(RADIATOR) MaxSessions

Harrison Ng Harrison_Ng at hksmartone.com
Wed Aug 29 21:05:03 CDT 2001


Is it possible to prevent executing AuthBy clauses when MaxSessions exceeds
(within a Handler).

When radiator receives Access-Request, it determine an appropriate handler
to process request.
Then it checks whether the user has reach MaxSessions.
In this case user has reach MaxSessions, therefore it should send
Access-Reject to NAS and stop executing AuthBy clauses.
However radiator still go through the clauses and eventually send out
Access-Accept to NAS.
At the same time, our NAS takes in Access-Accept and open a PPP session.

Pls find attached trace 4 capture and extracts of our radius.cfg.
Can anyone give us a hint.

SmarTone BroadBand Services Limited

 <<MaxSession.txt>>  <<radius.cfg>> 
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