(RADIATOR) Two Accounting tables!!!

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Fri Aug 10 03:01:13 CDT 2001

Hello Hakim -

On Friday 10 August 2001 17:20, Hakim Tass wrote:
> hello Hugh!!
> i am attaching the current configuration file!
> well the current configuration is running just fine!
> except that the flat rate customers accounting information goes into the
> ACCOUNTINGTABLE and the AcctSQLStatement get executed!(nothing happens to
> database )(but time is lost in the execution of the queries which is not
> required)
> if some how i could separate the accountiing of the two <AuthBY SQL> it
> will be great! in that way i can have two separate accounting tables!

Here is what I would do:

Trace            4
AuthPort         1812
AcctPort         1813
DictionaryFile   .\dictionary.cisco
PidFile          .\radius.pid
LogFile          e:\radiator-2.18.2\logs\logs.txt

# define Client clause(s)

<Client DEFAULT>
         Secret mysecret
         DupInterval     20

# define SessionDatabase SQL

<SessionDatabase SQL>
         Identifier  SDBSQL
         DBSource        dbi:ODBC:radius
         DBUsername      radius
         DBAuth          radius
         #AddQuery       insert into radoline ... DEFAULT IS WORKING FINE

# define AuthBy clauses

<AuthBy SQL>
         #this authby is for prepaid customers
         Identifier      PrePaidSQL
         DBSource        dbi:ODBC:radius
         DBUsername      radius
         DBAuth          radius

         AuthSelect select PASSWORD,BALANCETIME from \
                  AUTHENTICATIONTABLE where \
                  (USERNAME='%n' and BALANCETIME > 0)

         AuthColumnDef   0,Password,check
         AuthColumnDef   1,Session-Timeout,reply

         AddToReply \
               Service-Type = Framed, \
               Framed-Protocol = PPP, \
               Class = PrePaid

         AccountingTable ACCOUNTINGTABLE
         #dont need the other accounting information for the time being
         AcctColumnDef   USERNAME,User-Name
         AcctColumnDef   CALLDATE,Timestamp,integer-date
         AcctColumnDef   ACCTSESSIONTIME,Acct-Session-Time,integer

         #this will update the balancetime for each session
         AcctSQLStatement update AUTHENTICATIONTABLE set \
               BALANCETIME = BALANCETIME-%{Acct-Session-Time} \
               where USERNAME = '%n'

         #this sql statement set the startdate and expirydate of the prepaid
         #customer first time he logs in
         AcctSQLStatement update AUTHENTICATIONTABLE set \
               startdate = GetDate(),expiryDate = GetDate()+30 \
               where (username='%n' and \
               startdate is null and expirydate is null)


<AuthBy SQL>
         # for FLAT RATE CUSTOMERS
         Identifier      FlatRateSQL
         DBSource        dbi:ODBC:radius
         DBUsername      radius
         DBAuth          radius

         AuthSelect select password from CUSTOMERS where username='%n'

         AuthColumnDef    0,Password,check

         AddToReply \
               Service-Type = Framed, \
               Framed-Protocol = PPP, \
               Class = FlatRate


# define Handlers

<Handler Request-Type = Accounting-Request, Class = PrePaid>
         AuthBy PrePaidSQL

<Handler Request-Type = Accounting-Request, Class = FlatRate>
         AuthBy FlatRateSQL

        MaxSessions 1
        AuthByPolicy ContinueUntilAccept
        AuthBy PrePaidSQL
        AuthBy FlatRateSQL

If you have any questions, please ask.



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