(RADIATOR) Two Accounting tables!!!

Hakim Tass hakim at kccg.net
Fri Aug 10 02:20:26 CDT 2001

hello Hugh!!
i am attaching the current configuration file!

well the current configuration is running just fine!
except that the flat rate customers accounting information goes into the
ACCOUNTINGTABLE and the AcctSQLStatement get executed!(nothing happens to
database )(but time is lost in the execution of the queries which is not
if some how i could separate the accountiing of the two <AuthBY SQL> it will
be great! in that way i can have two separate accounting tables!

Trace		4
AuthPort	1812
AcctPort	1813
DictionaryFile	.\dictionary.cisco
PidFile		.\radius.pid
LogFile		e:\radiator-2.18.2\logs\logs.txt

<Client DEFAULT>
	Secret mysecret
	DupInterval	20
<SessionDatabase SQL>
	DBSource	dbi:ODBC:radius
	DBUsername	radius
	DBAuth		radius
	#AddQuery 	insert into radoline ... DEFAULT IS WORKING FINE

        MaxSessions 1
        AuthByPolicy ContinueUntilAccept

	<AuthBy SQL>
		#this authby is for prepaid customers
		Identifier 	SQLAuthentication1
		DBSource	dbi:ODBC:radius
		DBUsername	radius
		DBAuth		radius
	        AuthSelect select PASSWORD,BALANCETIME from \
        	        AUTHENTICATIONTABLE where \
                	(USERNAME='%n' and BALANCETIME > 0)
	                AuthColumnDef   0,Password,check
        	        AuthColumnDef   1,Session-Timeout,reply
		AddToReply \
        	    Service-Type = Framed, \
	            Framed-Protocol = PPP
	        AccountingTable ACCOUNTINGTABLE
		#dont need the other accounting information for the time being
		AcctColumnDef   USERNAME,User-Name
	        AcctColumnDef   CALLDATE,Timestamp,integer-date
        	AcctColumnDef   ACCTSESSIONTIME,Acct-Session-Time,integer

		#this will update the balancetime for each session
		AcctSQLStatement update AUTHENTICATIONTABLE set \
                	BALANCETIME = BALANCETIME-%{Acct-Session-Time} \
	                where USERNAME = '%n'

		#this sql statement set the startdate and expirydate of the prepaid
customer first time he logs in
		AcctSQLStatement update AUTHENTICATIONTABLE set startdate =
GetDate(),expiryDate = GetDate()+30 where (username='%n' and startdate is
null and expirydate is null)

	<AuthBy SQL>
        	Identifier 	SQLAuthentication2
		DBSource	dbi:ODBC:radius
		DBUsername	radius
		DBAuth		radius
        	AuthSelect select password from CUSTOMERS where username='%n'
	        AuthColumnDef    0,Password,check
		AddToReply \
	            Service-Type = Framed, \
        	    Framed-Protocol = PPP

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