Kyle khultman at bnsi.net
Wed Aug 8 12:02:51 CDT 2001

  I have included the database entry for the iPass NAS machine, which
has the same IP as the Radiator server, and a trace4 log file that was
captured over the course of several hours today. One user that stands
out and may make it easier for you to parse is "tayer". I see two to
three good log in's from him, and then it hits the session error. We are
using version 2.18.2 of Radiator as well. Let me know what other
information I can give you that would help in diagnosing and solving
this problem.

Hugh Irvine wrote:
> Hello Kyle -
> I would need to see a trace 4 debug from Radiator to see why a Stop record
> did not cause the deletion of that users record from the session database.
> The subsequent errors would seem to indicate that you have set a NasType in
> the Client clause, as that is the only time that Radiator will try to double
> check simultaneous use.
> BTW - what version of Radiator are you using?
> regards
> Hugh

Kyle Hultman
khultman at bnsi.net
Senior Network Engineer
Broadband Networks
(804) 817-7300 ext 305
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