(RADIATOR) Undefined subroutine &Radius::Radius::get_port

Jaime Elizaga Jr. chaos at flash.net.ph
Wed Aug 8 10:24:04 CDT 2001

Hi  Everyone!

I installed Slackware 8.0 on a new box.  Perl5, MySQL and MD5 is installed by default by the Slackware Distro.  I did not encounter installing Radiator, it passed all the test.  I did a sample config and run radiusd and I got this response..

root# radiusd
Wed Aug  8 19:15:39 2001: DEBUG: Reading users file /usr/local/etc/blocked
Undefined subroutine &Radius::Radius::get_port called at /usr/bin/radiusd line 326.

My config is simple, just an auth by file.. 

--- start radius.cfg --- 

Trace 4
AuthPort        1645
AcctPort        1646 
#AuthPort        1812
#AcctPort        1813  
LogDir          /var/log/radius
LogFile         /var/log/radius/%m/%d%Y-trace
FingerProg      /usr/bin/finger
PidFile         /var/run/radius.pid
DictionaryFile  /etc/radius/dictionary
SnmpgetProg     /usr/local/bin/snmpget
   MaxSessions 1   
     AcctLogFileName  /var/log/radius/BlockNo/details
     WtmpFileName     /var/log/radius/BlockNo/%u
     PasswordLogFileName   /var/log/radius/BlockNo/%m%d%Y-passlog
    <AuthBy FILE>
            Filename        /usr/local/etc/blocked

--- end radius.cfg ----

What could this error mean?

Thanks in advance!

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