(RADIATOR) Undefined attribute again

Pavel A Crasotin pavel at ctk.ru
Mon Aug 6 05:11:48 CDT 2001

Im looking for Vendor (Ascend, code 529) Specific Attribiute 28 not for RFC2865.

AAS> Hello !

AAS> On Thursday 02 August 2001 15:59 pm, Pavel A Crasotin wrote:

>> does anybody know what is the attribute 28, vendor 529
>> (Ascend)?
>> It appeared in the logfile right after I've upgraded TAOS on MAX6000.
>> Digging ftp://ftp.ascend.com, http://www.lucent.com, etc does not give a
>> results.

AAS> According to the dictionary.ascend file in the standard Radiator 
AAS> disctribution:

AAS> ATTRIBUTE       Idle-Timeout            28      integer

With respect,
Pavel A Crasotin
OJSC SeverTransCom
40/13 Sobinova, Yaroslavl, 150000, Russia
Tel/Fax: +7 (0852) 47-71-70, 47-69-49
         +7 (0852) 72-17-28, 72-17-38

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