(RADAR) Multiple monitor clauses

Mike McCauley mikem at open.com.au
Thu May 16 01:33:27 CDT 2002

Hi Ashley,

Thanks for reporting this.
It was caused by an oversight in Monitor.pm
We apologise for this problem.
Attached is a new version of Monitor.pm for Radiator that will fix that.
The new version is also available as a patch on the web site.

Pls let me know if its OK, and I will roll it in to the next release.


On Thu, 16 May 2002 16:17, Kent, Ashley wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I'm having problems using multiple monitor clauses. My monitor clauses look
> like:
> <Monitor>
> 	# Helpdesk and Tier 2
> 	Username lanpc
> 	Password xxxxxx
> 	TraceOnly
> </Monitor>
> <Monitor>
> 	# Network and Security
> 	Username admin
> 	Password yyyyyy
> 	Port 9049
> </Monitor>
> When I point radar at the radiator box running this config the login box
> does not pop up. I do not get a chance to log in at all. A trace 4 log does
> not show any error messages. Actually it doesn't even show the "DEBUG: New
> MonitorConnection created for" message. Each of the clauses work fine
> seperately.
> Thanks,
> Ash.
> ===
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Mike McCauley                               mikem at open.com.au
Open System Consultants Pty. Ltd            Unix, Perl, Motif, C++, WWW
24 Bateman St Hampton, VIC 3188 Australia   http://www.open.com.au
Phone +61 3 9598-0985                       Fax   +61 3 9598-0955

Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server 
anywhere. SQL, proxy, DBM, files, LDAP, NIS+, password, NT, Emerald, 
Platypus, Freeside, TACACS+, PAM, external, Active Directory etc etc 
on Unix, Win95/8, 2000, NT, MacOS 9, MacOS X etc etc
-------------- next part --------------
# Monitor.pm
# Object for TCP connections and debugging/monitoring
# of Radiator internals.
# IT is designed principally to support a remote client program
# for probing internals and getting statistics, 
# but it can be used with telnet(1)
# Author: Mike McCauley (mikem at open.com.au)
# Copyright (C) 2001 Open System Consultants
# $Id: Monitor.pm,v 1.6 2002/05/16 06:27:36 mikem Exp mikem $
package Radius::Monitor;
@ISA = qw(Radius::Configurable);
use Radius::Configurable;
use Radius::Radius;
use Socket;
use strict;

%Radius::Monitor::ConfigKeywords = 
    ('Port'                        => 'string',
     'BindAddress'                 => 'string',
     'Clients'                     => 'string',
     'Username'                    => 'string',
     'Password'                    => 'string',
     'AuthByPolicy'                => 'string',
     'MaxBufferSize'               => 'integer',
     'TraceOnly'                   => 'flag',
     'AuthBy'                      => 'objectlist',

sub new
    my ($class, @args) = @_;

    my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);

    # Set up the TCP listener
    my $proto = getprotobyname('tcp');
    my $port = Radius::Util::get_port($self->{Port});
    my $s = do { local *FH };
    socket($s, Socket::PF_INET, Socket::SOCK_STREAM, $proto)
	|| $self->log($main::LOG_ERR,  "Could not create Monitor socket: $!");
    setsockopt($s, Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_REUSEADDR, 1);
	 scalar Socket::sockaddr_in
	|| $self->log($main::LOG_ERR,  "Could not bind Monitor socket: $!");
    listen($s, Socket::SOMAXCONN)
	|| $self->log($main::LOG_ERR,  "Could not listen on Monitor socket: $!");
	(fileno($s), 1, undef, undef, 
	 \&handle_listen_socket_read, $s, $self);
    return $self;

# Do per-instance default initialization
# This is called by Configurable during Configurable::new before
# the config file is parsed. Its a good place initialize instance 
# variables
# that might get overridden when the config file is parsed.
# Do per-instance default initialization. This is called after
# construction is complete
sub initialize
    my ($self) = @_;

    $self->{Port} = 9048;
    $self->{MaxBufferSize} = 100000;
    $self->{BindAddress} = '';

# This is called by Select::select whenever our listen socket
# becomes readable, which means someone is trying to connect to us
# We accept the new connection
sub handle_listen_socket_read
    my ($fileno, $listensocket, $self) = @_;

    # This could have been done with FileHandle, but this is much
    # more lightweight. It makes a reference to a TYPEGLOB
    # and Perl can use a typeglob ref as an IO handle
    my $newsocket = do { local *FH };
    if (!accept($newsocket, $listensocket))
	$self->log($main::LOG_ERR,  "Could not accept on Monitor listen socket: $!");

    # REVISIT: check that the socket isd from a permitted client

    Radius::MonitorConnection->new($self, $newsocket,
				   MaxBufferSize => $self->{MaxBufferSize});

package Radius::MonitorConnection;

sub new
    my ($class, $parent, $socket, %args) = @_;

    my $self = {%args};
    bless $self, $class;  

    $self->{parent} = $parent;
    $self->{socket} = $socket;
    $self->{recsep} = "\n";

    $self->{peer} = getpeername($self->{socket})
	|| $self->log($main::LOG_ERR,  "Could not get peer name on MonitorConnection socket: $!");
    my ($port, $peeraddr) = Socket::unpack_sockaddr_in($self->{peer});
    $self->{peerport} = $port;
    $self->{peeraddr} = Socket::inet_ntoa($peeraddr);

    $self->{inbuffer} = undef;
    $self->{outbuffer} = undef;
    $self->{Trace} = 0; # Default trace level

    $parent->log($main::LOG_DEBUG,  "New MonitorConnection created for $self->{peeraddr}:$self->{peerport}");

    # We act like a global logger too

	(fileno($self->{socket}), 1, undef, undef, 
	 \&handle_connection_socket_read, $self);

# Called when more data can be read from the socket
sub handle_connection_socket_read
    my ($fileno, $self) = @_;

    # Append the next lot of bytes to the buffer
    if (sysread($self->{socket}, $self->{inbuffer}, 16384, length $self->{inbuffer}))
	while ($self->{inbuffer} ne '')
	    # Look for EOL. If found, its the end of the command
	    my $index = index($self->{inbuffer}, $self->{recsep});
	    if ($index >= 0)
		my $buffer = substr($self->{inbuffer}, 0, $index);
		# Remove the record and the record sep
		substr($self->{inbuffer}, 0, $index + length $self->{recsep}) = '';
		$buffer =~ s/[\012\015]//g if $self->{recsep} eq "\n";
		return; # No complete statement in buffer
	$self->{inbuffer} = undef; # Prevent inbuffer growing inf long
	# Strange, nothing there, must be a disconnection error

# Called when more data can be written to the socket
sub handle_connection_socket_write
    my ($fileno, $self) = @_;

    # Dont need this callback any more if all the pending bytes
    # have been written
	(fileno($self->{socket}), undef, 1, undef)
	    if !length $self->{outbuffer};

# Called when a complete command has been received
# Parse and process it
sub command
    my ($self, $cmd) = @_;

    $self->{parent}->log($main::LOG_DEBUG,  "Monitor received command: $cmd");

    # Simple replay of commands
    $cmd = $self->{lastcommand} if ($cmd eq '');

    $self->{lastcommand} = $cmd;

    if ($cmd =~ /^ID/i)
	return $self->write('NOTLOGGEDIN') unless $self->{loggedin};
	# Server ident message
	my $time = time;
	$self->write("ID $time $main::ident");
    elsif ($cmd =~ /^TRACE\s+(\d+)/i)
	return $self->write('NOTLOGGEDIN') unless $self->{loggedin};
	# Set the current trace level for this client
	$self->{Trace} = $1;
    elsif ($cmd =~ /^TRACE_USERNAME\s*(\S*)/i)
	return $self->write('NOTLOGGEDIN') unless $self->{loggedin};
	# Set the current trace username for this client
	$self->{trace_username} = $1;
    elsif ($cmd =~ /^STATS\s+(\S*)/i)
	return $self->write('NOTLOGGEDIN') unless $self->{loggedin};
	return $self->write('NOPERMISSION') if $self->{parent}->{TraceOnly};
	# Get the the statistics for the named object
	my $path = $1 || '.';
	my $o = findObject($path);
	if ($o && ref($o) =~ /^Radius::/)
	    $self->write("STATS $path\n" . join("\001", map "$Radius::ServerConfig::statistic_names{$_}:$o->{Statistics}{$_}", (sort keys %Radius::ServerConfig::statistic_names)));
    elsif ($cmd =~ /^DESCRIBE\s+(\S*)/i)
	return $self->write('NOTLOGGEDIN') unless $self->{loggedin};
	return $self->write('NOPERMISSION') if $self->{parent}->{TraceOnly};
	# Describe the named object by returning a list of attribtues
	# and their types
	my $path = $1 || '.';
	my $o = findObject($path);
	if ($o && ref($o) =~ /^Radius::/)
	    my %keywords = $o->configKeywords();

	    $self->write("DESCRIBE $path\n" . join("\001", "Type:objecttype:" . ref($o), map "$_:$keywords{$_}:" . $o->{$_}, (sort keys %keywords)));
    elsif ($cmd =~ /^SET\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)/i)
	return $self->write('NOTLOGGEDIN') unless $self->{loggedin};
	return $self->write('NOPERMISSION') if $self->{parent}->{TraceOnly};
	# Set the value of a variable
	my $path = $1 || '.';
	my $attribute = $2;
	my $value = $3;
	my $o = findObject($path);
	if ($o && ref($o) =~ /^Radius::/)
	    $o->set($attribute, $value);
	    $self->write("SET $path $attribute $value\n");
    elsif ($cmd =~ /^LIST\s+(\S+)/i)
	return $self->write('NOTLOGGEDIN') unless $self->{loggedin};
	return $self->write('NOPERMISSION') if $self->{parent}->{TraceOnly};
	# List the index and Name of each object in an objectlist
	my $path = $1;
	my $o = findObject($path);
	my $x = ref($o);
	if ($o && ref($o) eq 'ARRAY')
	    $self->write("LIST $path\n" . join("\001", map "$_:object:$$o[$_]->{Name}", (0 .. $#$o)));

    elsif ($cmd =~ /^LOGIN\s+(\S*)\s+(\S*)/i)
	# The username to be logged in as
	$self->{username} = $1;
	$self->{password} = $2;
	$self->write($self->authenticate() ? 'LOGGEDIN' : 'BADLOGIN');
    elsif ($cmd =~ /^CHALLENGE/i)
	# Generate a challenge to use for logging in later
	$self->{lastchallenge} = Radius::Util::random_string(16);
	$self->write('CHALLENGE ' . unpack('H*', $self->{lastchallenge}));
    elsif ($cmd =~ /^BINARY/i)
	$self->{recsep} = "\000";
    elsif ($cmd =~ /^RESTART/i)
	return $self->write('NOTLOGGEDIN') unless $self->{loggedin};
	return $self->write('NOPERMISSION') if $self->{parent}->{TraceOnly};
    elsif ($cmd =~ /^HELP/i)
	# Help message
	$self->write("HELP\nLOGIN name password\nTRACE n\nSTATS objname\nDESCRIBE objname\nSET objname paramname value\nLIST objname\nCHALLENGE\nBINARY\nRESTART\nQUIT");
    elsif ($cmd =~ /^GET\s+(\S+)/i)
	return $self->write('NOTLOGGEDIN') unless $self->{loggedin};
	return $self->write('NOPERMISSION') if $self->{parent}->{TraceOnly};
	# Get the value of a variable
    elsif ($cmd =~ /^QUIT/i)
	# Quit
	# Huh?

sub write
    my ($self, $s) = @_;

    $self->{outbuffer} .= $s . $self->{recsep};
    if (length $self->{outbuffer} > $self->{MaxBufferSize})
	$self->{parent}->log($main::LOG_ERR, "Monitor MaxBufferSize exceeded, disconnecting");


sub write_pending
    my ($self) = @_;

    # BUG ALERT what hapens if the syswrite blocks?
    my $written = syswrite($self->{socket}, $self->{outbuffer}, 
			   length $self->{outbuffer});
    if (!defined $written)
	$self->{parent}->log($main::LOG_ERR, "Monitor write error, disconnecting: $!");

	# Remove the bytes that have been written already
	substr($self->{outbuffer}, 0, $written, '');
	# Anything left? it was a partial write, need to
	# get control when the socket is writeable again
	if (length $self->{outbuffer})
		(fileno($self->{socket}), undef, 1, undef, 
		 \&handle_connection_socket_write, $self);

# Called when a message is to be logged
# See if our trace level is high enough and send the message
# to the client
# $s is the message string
# $p is the current packet if any
sub log
    my ($self, $priority, $s, $p) = @_;

    if ($self->willLog($priority, $p))
	my $ctime = localtime(time);
	$self->write("LOG $ctime: $Radius::Log::priorityToString[$priority]: $s");

sub configKeywords

# Return true if a message should be logged by this logger
# at the given log level (and matching an optional tracing username, 
# or if the packet has PacketTrace set
sub willLog
    my ($self, $priority, $p) = @_;

    return (   $priority <= $self->{Trace} 
	    && (   $self->{trace_username} eq ''
		|| ($p && ($p->getUserName() eq $self->{trace_username}))));

# Dummy function to intercept attempts to change the trace level
# due to SUGUSR1 etc.
# Does nothing
sub adjustTrace

sub disconnect
    my ($self) = @_;

    # Deleting any references to this MonitorConnection will
    # cause it to be destroyed    
	(fileno($self->{socket}), 1, 1, 1);
    $self->{parent}->log($main::LOG_DEBUG,  "MonitorConnection disconnected from $self->{peeraddr}:$self->{peerport}");


# Check the username and password are correct, if so
# permit further actions
sub authenticate
    my ($self) = @_;

    $self->{loggedin} = undef;

    # Force disconnection if it looks like password attack
    $self->disconnect() if $self->{badauths}++ > 5;
    # First check the authenticators in the AuthBy list
    # Try all the authenticators in sequence until the AuthByPolicy
    # is satisfied
    # CAUTION: The handler might fork
    my ($handler, $reason, $p, $handled);
    foreach $handler (@{$self->{parent}{AuthBy}})
	if (!$p)
	    # Fake up a radius packet we can pass to the AuthBys
	    $p =  new Radius::Radius $main::dictionary;
	    $p->{rp} = new Radius::Radius $main::dictionary;
	    $p->addAttrByNum($Radius::Radius::USER_NAME, $self->{username});
	    if ($self->{password} =~ /^{chap}(.*)/i)
		return unless $self->{lastchallenge};
				 pack('H*', $1));
		# Plaintext password, fake the decoded password
		$p->{DecodedPassword} = $self->{password};

	# Make sure the authby is updated with stats
	push(@{$p->{StatsTrail}}, \%{$handler->{Statistics}});

	($handled, $reason) = $handler->handle_request($p);
	my $stop = 0;

	# Is there a better way to express this?
	if ($self->{parent}{AuthByPolicy} eq 'ContinueWhileIgnore')
	    $stop = ($handled != $main::IGNORE);
	elsif ($self->{parent}{AuthByPolicy} eq 'ContinueUntilIgnore')
	    $stop = ($handled == $main::IGNORE);
	elsif ($self->{parent}{AuthByPolicy} eq 'ContinueWhileAccept')
	    $stop = ($handled != $main::ACCEPT);
	elsif ($self->{parent}{AuthByPolicy} eq 'ContinueUntilAccept')
	    $stop = ($handled == $main::ACCEPT);
	elsif ($self->{parent}{AuthByPolicy} eq 'ContinueWhileReject')
	    $stop = ($handled != $main::REJECT 
		     && $handled != $main::REJECT_IMMEDIATE);
	elsif ($self->{parent}{AuthByPolicy} eq 'ContinueUntilReject')
	    $stop = ($handled == $main::REJECT
		     || $handled == $main::REJECT_IMMEDIATE);
	last if $stop;
    if (defined $handled)
	$self->{loggedin}++ if $handled == $main::ACCEPT;
	return $self->{loggedin} if $handled != $main::IGNORE;

    # Did not pass any of the AuthBy, try the hardwired Username
    # as a last resort
    return unless $self->{parent}{Username} ne '' 
	&& $self->{username} eq $self->{parent}{Username};

    if ($self->{password} =~ /^{chap}(.*)/i)
	return unless $self->{lastchallenge};
	# Chap password. First octet of the response is the CHAP identifier.
	# Rest of response is MD5(chap id + password + challenge)
	# However, must have issued a challenge already
	my $response = pack('H*', $1);
	    if $self->{lastchallenge} ne '' &&
	      Digest::MD5::md5(substr($response, 0, 1) . $self->{parent}{Password} . $self->{lastchallenge})
		eq substr($response, 1);
	# Plaintext password
	    if $self->{password} eq $self->{parent}{Password};
    return $self->{loggedin};

# Find and return a Radiator internal object, given its name
# Names start with . which means the root object of the
# Radiator object tree (ie The ServerConfig at $main::config)
# Path elements are . separated. Each path element is either the
# name of an attribtue, or an integer index into an object array
# eg .Client.0.AuthBy.2
# is the third AuthBy object in the first Client in ServerConfig
sub  findObject
    my ($path) = @_;

    my @path = split(/\./, $path);
    my $o = $main::config; # base of the search

    foreach (@path)
	my $pathel = $_;
	next if $pathel eq '';
	my $type = ref($o);
	if ($type =~ /^Radius::/)
	    # Its a Radiator object
	    # Next element of the path should be the name of an attribute
	    $o = $o->{$pathel};
	elsif ($type eq 'ARRAY')
	    # Its an array ref, presumably of object addresses
	    $o = $$o[$pathel];
	    # huh?
	    return ;
    return $o;


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