[RADIATOR] move Message-Authenticator to the top ?

Heikki Vatiainen hvn at open.com.au
Mon Sep 16 13:31:59 UTC 2024

On 16.9.2024 11.34, Patrik Forsberg wrote:

> So I was finally able to try this.. and it didn’t work out of the box.. 
> I had to add a “StripFromReply Message-Authenticator” too .. otherwise 
> it added the Message-Authenticator anyway..

Yes, if you're e.g., proxying, then StripFromReply within AuthBy RADIUS 
or CLient is needed in addition to the hook. The hook should be enough 
when the reply is directly generated by Radiator.

> But yes it fixed the issue with the device I had problems with..

That's interesting. It's also a bit of a concern because it removes the 
mitigation against Blast-RADIUS. Messsage-Authenticator has been around 
for a long time and even if they don't require it, it would be good if 
they would somehow recognise (or better verify) it, instead of of 
discarding the reply.

If you can reply with information about the vendor, please let me know.


Heikki Vatiainen
Radiator Software, makers of Radiator
Visit radiatorsoftware.com for Radiator AAA server software

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