[RADIATOR] 4.29 EAP issue - failed socket

Heikki Vatiainen hvn at open.com.au
Wed Jul 24 19:58:00 UTC 2024

On 18.7.2024 6.13, Cassidy B. Larson via radiator wrote:
> For future reference, FreeBSD 14.0 and 14.1 are failing. FreeBSD 13.3 
> works like it should.   Will have to dig in more to see what the issue 
> is on 14.x line.

I've tried with FreeBSD 14.1-RELEASE too, and it is working normally for 
me. A fresh minimal installation (bootonly.iso) followed with 'pkg 
install p5-Net-SSLeay' works as it should. I tried as non-root and root 
user but there was no visible difference in behaviour.

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Heikki Vatiainen
Radiator Software, makers of Radiator
Visit radiatorsoftware.com for Radiator AAA server software

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