[RADIATOR] missing documentation for Handler parameter: UseRequestContext

Heikki Vatiainen hvn at open.com.au
Mon May 22 17:08:18 UTC 2023

On 10.5.2023 9.17, Karl Gaissmaier via radiator wrote:

> I need to cache some state between requests for the first and the second 
> factor and I see that the Radius::Handler already has a parameter 
> *UseRequestContext*, but this parameter is not documented.
> Is this parameter for internal use only?

At the moment its future is undecided. Creating a general use context 
may not be possible in a reliable way. For example, if it needs to be 
done from attributes that the client sends, there may not be enough 
variation. Clients may give up a dialog at any point too. Creating a 
State on server side is not always possible either because a State 
attribute may already be sent by an upstream proxy.

> PS: I know the module Radius::Context and eventually I will use it in 
> hooks, but before I try this solution I want to understand if 
> UseRequestContext is really not available for the user.

I would use this approach. It lets you better control and understand 
what is the current state of then authentication request-resposne exchange.


Heikki Vatiainen
OSC, makers of Radiator
Visit radiatorsoftware.com for Radiator AAA server software

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