[RADIATOR] AuthBy DUO - Identifier clause issue?

Garret Peirce peirce at maine.edu
Wed Feb 8 23:58:06 UTC 2023

I'm attempting to begin working with AuthBy Duo and I seem to be seeing
that the 'Identifier' parameter is not working. I was curious if anyone
might confirm/deny this behavior.

I've checked for typos and deleted/recreated/renamed it etc, but the server
always notes a warning.

Ex. WARNING: Could not find AuthBy clause with Identifier Auth-DUO

I use numerous Identifiers and it only doesn't work and is alarmed under
the AuthBy DUO method.  I can place all within Auth-Group1, but it seemed
like a bug, so thought I'd inquire about it.

I'm running Radiator version 4.27.

==== example ======

<Handler Realm = "Example",Service-Type = /NAS-Prompt-User|Login-User/>

     AuthBy     Auth-Group1


<AuthBy GROUP>

        Identifier Auth-Group1

        AuthBy Auth-File

        AuthBy Auth-DUO



<AuthBy DUO>

        Identifier Auth-DUO


Garry Peirce
Networkmaine, University of Maine System US:IT
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