[RADIATOR] Question about RateLimitSource - MaxRateResult

Garret Peirce peirce at maine.edu
Fri Feb 3 16:09:47 UTC 2023

I'm looking at this feature and I was curious if the MaxRateResult uses an
OR between MaxRates 1 and 2 or an AND ?  The goodies file seems to
indicate it's an OR.

I desire to rate limit requests from a given Calling-Station to an
individual Client to (ex.) 10 requests in 10 seconds.


   Identifier auth-ratelimitsource
   # Policer1
     SourceKey1 %{Request:Calling-Station-Id}
     MaxRate1 10
     Policer1_Size 1
     TimeWindow1 10
   # Policer2
     SourceKey2 %{Client:Identifier}
     MaxRate2 10
     Policer2_Size 1
     TimeWindow2 10
   # Result to use when MaxRate1 or MaxRate2 is exceeded
     MaxRateResult REJECT

Garry Peirce
Networkmaine, University of Maine System US:IT
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