[RADIATOR] Simple Question Regarding Realm Handling

Ullfig, Roberto Alfredo rullfig at uic.edu
Tue Mar 22 18:51:19 UTC 2022

For some reason this is not working. AD always thinks that the credentials are wrong. Debug shows:

Tue Mar  8 11:09:51 2022: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler 'ConvertedFromEAPMSCHAPV2=1, User-Name=/^[^@]+(@uic\.edu)?(@uic\.wireless)?\z/i', Identifier ''
Tue Mar  8 11:09:51 2022: DEBUG: Rewrote user name to NETID
Tue Mar  8 11:09:51 2022: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthNTLM:
Tue Mar  8 11:09:51 2022: DEBUG: Radius::AuthNTLM looks for match with NETID [NETID at uic.edu]
Tue Mar  8 11:09:51 2022: DEBUG: Received attribute: Authenticated: No
Tue Mar  8 11:09:51 2022: DEBUG: Received attribute: Authentication-Error: When trying to update a password, this return status indicates that the value provided as the current password is not correct.
Tue Mar  8 11:09:51 2022: DEBUG: Received attribute: .
Tue Mar  8 11:09:51 2022: WARNING: NTLM Could not authenticate user 'NETID': When trying to update a password, this return status indicates that the value provided as the current password is not correct.
Tue Mar  8 11:09:51 2022: DEBUG: Radius::AuthNTLM REJECT: AuthBy NTLM Password check failed: NETID [NETID at uic.edu]
Tue Mar  8 11:09:51 2022: DEBUG: AuthBy NTLM result: REJECT, AuthBy NTLM Password check failed
Tue Mar  8 11:09:51 2022: INFO: Access rejected for NETID: AuthBy NTLM Password check failed
Tue Mar  8 11:09:51 2022: DEBUG: Converted EAP-MSCHAPV2 response Packet dump:

I need to get on-site to do some more debugging but does anyone have any ideas? Is ntlm_auth messing up somewhere? Is the problem related to a PEAP tunnel? AD confirms incorrect credentials but that's not the case. If we just do a simple thing like this:

<Handler ConvertedFromEAPMSCHAPV2=1>
        <AuthBy NTLM>
                DefaultDomain AD

Everything works just fine.

One thing I don't understand is that just before that section in the debug log we have:

Tue Mar  8 11:09:51 2022: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler 'TunnelledByPEAP=1', Identifier ''
Tue Mar  8 11:09:51 2022: DEBUG: Rewrote user name to NETID at uic.edu@uic.wireless
Tue Mar  8 11:09:51 2022: DEBUG: Rewrote user name to NETID at uic.edu@uic.wireless
Tue Mar  8 11:09:51 2022: DEBUG: Rewrote user name to NETID at uic.edu@uic.wireless

I don't understand this PEAP tunnel section and maybe that's part of the problem.

Roberto Ullfig - rullfig at uic.edu
Systems Administrator
Enterprise Applications & Services | Technology Solutions
University of Illinois - Chicago
From: radiator <radiator-bounces at lists.open.com.au> on behalf of Heikki Vatiainen <hvn at open.com.au>
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2022 3:44 PM
To: radiator at lists.open.com.au <radiator at lists.open.com.au>
Subject: Re: [RADIATOR] Simple Question Regarding Realm Handling

On 23.2.2022 23.27, Ullfig, Roberto Alfredo wrote:

> Wed Feb 23 15:03:55 2022: DEBUG: Radius::AuthNTLM REJECT: AuthBy NTLM
> Password check failed: user [user at uic.edu]
> Wed Feb 23 15:03:55 2022: DEBUG: AuthBy NTLM result: REJECT, AuthBy NTLM
> Password check failed
> To AD it looks like a wrong password was entered. Why do the NTLM lines
> have "user [user at uic.edu]" - why not just user?
The format is 'value used for authenticating [original username]'. For
example, if username is rewritten, or something else, such as
Calling-Station-Id attribute value, is used to lookup user record, that
value gets logged first.

What follows between [] is the original User-Name as it was received.

The idea is to log information about what's currently used and what was
originally received as User-Name.

In your example, 'user' is passed to NTLM subsystem as authentication
username instead of 'user at uic.edu' that was the value in the incoming


Heikki Vatiainen <hvn at open.com.au>

Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server
anywhere. SQL, proxy, DBM, files, LDAP, TACACS+, PAM, Active Directory,
DIAMETER etc. Full source on Unix, Windows, MacOSX, Solaris, VMS, etc.
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radiator at lists.open.com.au
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