[RADIATOR] ERR: sendTo: send to <IP address> port 1812 failed: Invalid argument

Stefan Paetow Stefan.Paetow at jisc.ac.uk
Thu Jan 13 21:16:34 UTC 2022

Hi Heikki,

Thanks for confirming that you are able to reproduce this, so it's not my imagination. I've effectively switched our server configs to setting last. As for mail delivery, no, I don't have any problems because I received the list email being sent back to me. I did email Karri directly, but that probably never got delivered. 

With Kind Regards

Stefan Paetow
Federated Roaming Technical Specialist

t: +44 (0)1235 822 125
e-mail/teams: stefan.paetow at jisc.ac.uk
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On 13/01/2022, 14:17, "radiator on behalf of Heikki Vatiainen" <radiator-bounces at lists.open.com.au on behalf of hvn at open.com.au> wrote:

    Stefan Paetow wrote:

    > It turns out that because I bound to *FIRST*, not one of
    > the non-localhost addresses, Socket’s sendTo function apparently did
    > what’s mentioned in the above URL.

    I can reproduce this with macOS too:

    ERR: sendTo: send to port 1812 failed: Can't assign 
    requested address

    A bit different reason but it fails similarly. The above happens with 
    AuthBy RADIUS and global 'BindAddress,'. If I 
    switch to 'BindAddress,' it works as it should.

    I can set LocalAddress, but the default is to use the first global 
    BindAddress as the outgoing address. The default BindAddress is 
    which would also work.

    There's one hint in AuthBy RADIUS log about what happens:

       DEBUG: AuthBy RADIUS creates new local socket port 12345 
    for sending requests

    I've set OutPort to 12345, but that doesn't change anything. It would 
    fail with ephemeral port too.

    However, there are a number of modules which use the global BinAddress 
    and may not log what they as the outgoing address.

    > I would suggest that OSC please check the configuration to check that
    > if BindAddress is set to or ::1 *before* any other IPv4 or
    > IPv6 entries, either warn or quit with an error?

    One option might be to reorder the addresses before they are used so 
    that the loopbacks go to the end of the list.

    A log message might also be useful. Quitting might be a bit too much 
    because often there's something like LocalAddress that is available for 
    exactly setting the locally bound address.

    Thanks for reporting this. I'm not sure yet what changes should be done, 
    but I can see that this can be surprising. One thing might be to enhance 
    the ERR log message to say more about the possible causes.

    Changing the topic: have you noticed problems with getting your emails 
    delivered? I noticed your messages in the list archive but did not 
    receive them in my mailbox. I think the same thing has happened earlier too.


    Heikki Vatiainen
    OSC, makers of Radiator
    Visit radiatorsoftware.com for Radiator AAA server software
    radiator mailing list
    radiator at lists.open.com.au

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