[RADIATOR] Problem integrating radiator with okta

Diego Bellini bellini.diego at gmail.com
Mon Oct 18 11:52:24 UTC 2021

Hello all,
I would need some help

we are already using okta in our company and we are currently evaluating
the integration between okta and radiator

In the configuration file, we have an handler with a Auth Radius and a Auth
File section
Okta is set up to check username and password and send  a challenge too

This is the flow:

Client sends username and password to radiator,
radiator forwards them to okta
If username/password are good, okta sends a challenge (it is waiting for a
code that is sent to a mobile)
if the challenge is good, okta sends back something similar to

d52ca060 Identifier: 206

d52ca060 Authentic:

d52ca060 Attributes:

d52ca060        Reply-Message = "Welcome user@
<diego.bellini at exponential-e.com>example.com!"

d52ca060        Class = "Network Systems Team"

Now this response should be used as a request for the  Auth File section
and the radiator should compare the attributes in the okta response with
the information in the file.

However, the attributes returned by okta are completely ignore

Do you have any ideas?

I am attaching the main configuration file, if you need to look at them

Any help is appreciated


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