[RADIATOR] Negative Acct-Delay-Time from proxy RADIUS server

Heikki Vatiainen hvn at open.com.au
Thu Jan 25 19:13:12 UTC 2018

On 24.01.2018 17:07, Vangelis Kyriakakis wrote:

>       I have a RADIUS server which proxies RADIUS requests to another
> RADIUS server (both RADIATOR servers).
>      Sometimes I see that the Acct-Delay-Time in the packet that is
> proxied to the final server has a value of -1 and the final server
> interprets this as Acct-Delay-Time = 4294967295.

Looks like the result of converting -1 to an unsigned value.

When radiusd reads a message from a socket it records the message's time 
stamp (seconds, microseconds) with call to Time::Hires::gettimeofday(). 
When it's just about to proxy the message forward, it will get current 
seconds with time().

I suspect what you see is caused by rounding time() has to do and HiRes 
does not have to, or ntp or some other time synchronisation method 
adjusting the clock between the two time keeping events.

I'll see that this gets fixed so that negative adjustment is never 
applied, no matter what the incoming Acct-Delay-Time is. This should 
ensure that Acct-Delay-Time never steps backwards.

Thanks for reporting this!

Heikki Vatiainen
hvn at open.com.au

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