[RADIATOR] Another Class like attribute

Robert Blayzor rblayzor.bulk at inoc.net
Mon Nov 27 23:09:13 UTC 2017

Hugh, thanks for that example. I suppose that might work, but that kind of gets ugly from our standpoint. I’d really like to not have to parse up Class as we’re using that in several places now. If we change it, it’s going to require a bunch of code changes and parsing.

Maybe an easier way, if one is known is how we can use/find which AuthBy is the one that’s accepted?

<AuthBy GROUP>
   Identifier GROUP_1
   AuthByPolicy      ContinueUntilAccept
   AuthBy X_AUTH1

I’m looking for a way to identify users with successful login on X_DEFAULT only. (default). The first two AuthBy’s in the group can log normally, only logging failure.

FOr AuthBy X_DEFAULT it would be nice to log on Success and Failure. 

If that’s not possible, I’m looking for something (other than class) that I could flag in authentication request so that when accounting records come in, they are flagged. I appreciate your Class tags, but at this point, that’s last resort changing Class.

I simply need to find a way where we can identify in either log or in accounting those users successfully (and only successfully) getting accepted in X_DEFAULT.

XMPP: rblayzor.AT.inoc.net
PGP:  https://inoc.net/~rblayzor/

> On Nov 27, 2017, at 5:37 PM, Hugh Irvine <hugh at open.com.au> wrote:
> Hi Robert -
> A pretty easy way to do this is with multiple pseudo-attributes in the Class attribute.
> I’ve included an example below.
> cheers

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