[RADIATOR] tacacs on cisco with command authorization results in AAA/AUTHOR/CMD Cannot replace commands

Christian Kratzer ck-lists at cksoft.de
Fri Jul 28 14:09:20 UTC 2017


I have a customer setup that uses tacacs and command authorization for shell users that is failing for the command authrization stage.

This is a new setup.  I have simplified and isolated the issue in my lab.

The cisco is setup as follows:

 	aaa authentication login default group tacacs+ local
 	aaa authorization console
 	aaa authorization exec default group tacacs+ if-authenticated
 	aaa authorization commands 1 default group tacacs+ none
 	aaa authorization commands 15 default group tacacs+ none

The radiator is configured as follows:

 		Key mysecret
 		Port 49
 		GroupMemberAttr tacacsgroup

 		AuthorizeGroup admin permit service=shell cmd\* {priv-lvl=15}
 		AuthorizeGroup admin permit .*

 		AuthorizeGroup DEFAULT deny .*

 	<AuthBy FILE>
 		Identifier      Auth-File
 		Filename        %D/users-tacacs

 		AuthBy          Auth-File

and users-tacacs has two users one with and one without a cisco-avpair

 	test1   User-Password = "test17"

 	test2   User-Password = "test17"

User test1 is working ok. and the cisco logs following debug output:

 	Jul 28 2017 13:57:35 UTC: AAA/AUTHOR/TAC+: (1842491926): user=test1
 	Jul 28 2017 13:57:35 UTC: AAA/AUTHOR/TAC+: (1842491926): send AV service=shell
 	Jul 28 2017 13:57:35 UTC: AAA/AUTHOR/TAC+: (1842491926): send AV cmd=show
 	Jul 28 2017 13:57:35 UTC: AAA/AUTHOR/TAC+: (1842491926): send AV cmd-arg=version
 	Jul 28 2017 13:57:35 UTC: AAA/AUTHOR/TAC+: (1842491926): send AV cmd-arg=<cr>
 	Jul 28 2017 13:57:35 UTC: AAA/AUTHOR (1842491926): Post authorization status = PASS_ADD

User test2 can login to the cisco but gets authorization failures for every command:

 	cons1#show ver
 	Command authorization failed.

For this the cisco logs following debug output:

 	Jul 28 2017 13:56:58 UTC: AAA/AUTHOR/TAC+: (2535147160): user=test2
 	Jul 28 2017 13:56:58 UTC: AAA/AUTHOR/TAC+: (2535147160): send AV service=shell
 	Jul 28 2017 13:56:58 UTC: AAA/AUTHOR/TAC+: (2535147160): send AV cmd=show
 	Jul 28 2017 13:56:58 UTC: AAA/AUTHOR/TAC+: (2535147160): send AV cmd-arg=version
 	Jul 28 2017 13:56:58 UTC: AAA/AUTHOR/TAC+: (2535147160): send AV cmd-arg=<cr>
 	Jul 28 2017 13:56:58 UTC: AAA/AUTHOR (2535147160): Post authorization status = PASS_ADD
 	Jul 28 2017 13:56:58 UTC: AAA/AUTHOR/CMD Cannot replace commands

The difference in radiator logging is as follows:

 	Fri Jul 28 15:57:35 2017: DEBUG: AuthorizeGroup rule match found: permit .* {  }
 	Fri Jul 28 15:57:35 2017: INFO: Authorization permitted for test1 at, group admin, args service=shell cmd=show cmd-arg=version cmd-arg=<cr>
 	Fri Jul 28 15:57:35 2017: DEBUG: TacacsplusConnection Authorization RESPONSE 1, , ,

 	Fri Jul 28 15:56:58 2017: DEBUG: AuthorizeGroup rule match found: permit .* {  }
 	Fri Jul 28 15:56:58 2017: INFO: Authorization permitted for test2 at, group admin, args service=shell cmd=show cmd-arg=version cmd-arg=<cr>
 	Fri Jul 28 15:56:58 2017: DEBUG: TacacsplusConnection Authorization RESPONSE 1, , , priv-lvl=15

The issue seems to be that radiator pases the cisco-avpair from authentication to each command authorization which the cisco does not like.

I know this seems to be working as documented in goodies/tacplus.txt

 	# Any cisco-avpair reply items that result from the Radius authentication will be used for
 	# TACACS+ authorization..

I have temporarily patched ServerTACACSPLUS.pm to disable passing of reply values for later command authorization but am keeping it for the initial login.

How is command authorization supposed to work when the reply items include cisco-avpairs.


Christian Kratzer                   CK Software GmbH
Email:   ck at cksoft.de               Wildberger Weg 24/2
Phone:   +49 7032 893 997 - 0       D-71126 Gaeufelden
Fax:     +49 7032 893 997 - 9       HRB 245288, Amtsgericht Stuttgart
Mobile:  +49 171 1947 843           Geschaeftsfuehrer: Christian Kratzer
Web:     http://www.cksoft.de/

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