[RADIATOR] LogFormatHook errors swallowing log messages

Hartmaier Alexander alexander.hartmaier at t-systems.at
Wed Jan 25 12:47:37 UTC 2017


we load a Hooks.pm using:

StartupHook sub { \
     require "/etc/radiator/Hooks.pm"; \

in radius.cfg and have some util functions like normalize_mac in there
which are used in our <Log FILE> LogFormatHook.

It seems the 'Server started' message, and possible some others like
config parse errors, are logged before StartupHook is called leading to
missing logs on startup when calling Hooks.pm functions.

Can StartupHook be moved before any log message is generated?

If not what could be do to ensure no logs are swallowed by LogFormatHook

Thanks, Alex

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