[RADIATOR] Unknown keyword 'CheckPasswordHook'

Benjamin VERGNAUD bvergnaud at online.net
Mon Jan 2 11:13:15 UTC 2017

Hi everyone,

I wanted to try and use the CheckPasswordHook, but can't for some reason.

Whenever I load my config with it, I log this:
ERR: Unknown keyword 'CheckPasswordHook' in goodies/custom.cfg line 33

Config file excerpt :

	<AuthBy LDAP2>
		CheckPasswordHook sub {use Data::Dumper; print "=============\n"; print Dumper($_[1]); print "=============\n"}
		Host ldap.**********.tld
		AuthDN uid=**********,ou=**********,dc=**********,dc=**********
		AuthPassword **********
		BaseDN dc=**********,dc=**********
		UsernameAttr uid
		PasswordAttr userPassword

I've searched through the ML archive but the only mention of this hook dates back to 2014 and is a copy of the release notes. Some Googling yielded no answer either.
Am I missing something ?


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