[RADIATOR] missing NoReplyReject for <AuthBy RADSEC>

Karl Gaissmaier karl.gaissmaier at uni-ulm.de
Thu Aug 3 15:58:32 UTC 2017

Hi Radiator team,

is there a good reason why the NoReplyReject keyword from <AuthBy 
RADIUS> is not supportetd in <AuthBy RADSEC> ???

Why do I need it?

In the eduroam configuration I get sometimes/often no replies from the 
endpoint IdPs via a proxy chain.

Sometimes it would be helpful to stop a lot of retransmissions if I 
could send back an Access-Reject with reject reason set to 'Upstream 
timeout' in opposite to just ignore it.

Maybe it's stupid and I don't catch some implications.

Best Regards

Karl Gaissmaier
Universität Ulm
kiz, Kommunikations und Informationszentrum
89069 Ulm
Tel.: 49(0)731/50-22499
Fax : 49(0)731/50-12-22499

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