[RADIATOR] EAP-TTLS, Double Requests, & Accounting

Michael Tipton mtipton at neonova.net
Fri Apr 28 19:36:45 UTC 2017

I am working with some cambium wireless equipment. So far I have been able
to get radiator the send back Access-Accepts, and the device is able to get
online and browse.

However I am seeing some weird behavior, I am seeing another request for
the anonymous user that is accepted after the actual user is sent the first
accept. Any ideas why this maybe happening?

The other issue I am having is that the accounting data (start/stop/alive)
are logging as the anonymous username. I have tried using EAPAnonymous %0
option, I've tried adding in just a accounting handler, I've tried the
eap_anon_hook.pl, as well as the eap_acct_username.pl scripts to no avail.

My Access-Accepts are sending the correct username, however, it appears the
device is not using that as some do when it is passed the right username in
the access-accept for the rest of accounting.

I have attached my handlers, as well as a level 6 trace debug. Any help
would be greatly appreciated!


[image: photo]
Michael Tipton
Network Engineer at NeoNova
919-460-3330 (opt 1) • mtipton at neonova.net
www.neonova.net <https://neonova.net>
<https://www.facebook.com/NeoNovaNNS/>  <https://twitter.com/NeoNova_NNS>
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<Handler TunnelledByTTLS = 1>
	PostProcessingHook file:"%D/handlers/eap_acct_username.pl"	 
        <AuthBy FILE>
                Filename %D/users/dsl/users

<Handler Request-Type = Accounting-Request>
	PreProcessingHook file:"%D/handlers/eap_anon_hook.pl"
	AcctLogFileName %L/%{Client:Identifier}/%m%d%y.log
	SessionDatabase customer

   	PasswordLogFileName /var/tmp/password.log

   	## Hooks
   	PostAuthHook file:"%D/handlers/postAuth-hook.pl"
   	PreProcessingHook file:"%D/handlers/preProcessing-hook.pl"
	## Forward Account Data to Central server else log to local DB
        <AuthBy RADIUS>
                AddToRequest Signature=customer,Token=%R
                Host xx.xx.xx.xx
                AcctPort 5051
                Secret mysecret

                # If no reply is received, send it to the AuthBy SQL below
                NoReplyHook sub {Radius::AuthGeneric::find('AcctDB_customer')->handle_request(${$_[0]});}

	<AuthBy FILE>
		EAPTLS_CAFile %D/certificates/cacert_aaasvr.pem
		EAPTLS_CertificateFile %D/certificates/aaasvr_cert.pem
		EAPTLS_CertificateType PEM
		EAPTLS_PrivateKeyFile %D/certificates/aaasvr_key.pem
		EAPTLS_PrivateKeyPassword xxxxxxxxx
		EAPTLS_MaxFragmentSize 1000
		EAPAnonymous %0

	AcctLogFileFormat %Y%m%d %H:%M:%S;%n;%{NAS-IP-Address};%{Acct-Session-Id};%{Acct-Status-Type};\
        AcctLogFileName /var/log/radacct/%Y%m%d_au%{GlobalVar:auPort}-ac%{GlobalVar:acPort}.accounting
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