[RADIATOR] ServerTACACSPLUS logging improvements

Heikki Vatiainen hvn at open.com.au
Fri Jun 24 06:57:01 CDT 2016

On 24.06.2016 14:08, Hartmaier Alexander wrote:

>> We also thought about further improvements for unexpectedly closed
>> connections so that they can be logged and handled more easily. However,
>> this is the first step before doing further changes.

> We still get the 'Could not get peer name on TacacsplusConnection
> socket: Transport endpoint is not connected' log message without
> additional infos for which endpoint. Please don't add an additional
> debugging message but improve the existing one!

The error getpeername() sees is just that: the connection has gone away 
(while it was just established) so there's not much to improve this 
message anymore. The additional message I mentioned is available at 
trace 4 and it can stay because it's logged at the moment when the 
remote IP and port are first and surely available.

However, maybe you could see what it shows on trace 4 now. The further 
changes in logging are planned to make unexpectedly closed connections 
logged so that are, for example, logged at INFO or WARNING level (trace 
3 or 2). This should keep the log littering down, successfully opened 
connections are now logged unless debugging is enabled, while 
unexpectedly closed and unsuccessfully established connections are 
logged at higher log level.

Maybe you could use trace 4 now to see where the shortlived client 
connections come from?

Thanks for your comments,

Heikki Vatiainen
hvn at open.com.au

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