[RADIATOR] Radiator and Load Balancer

Robert Blayzor rblayzor.bulk at inoc.net
Mon Aug 1 10:28:41 CDT 2016

In my experience this is not the case. It will LISTEN on those addresses for sure. But it’s return packets are always sourced from the primary IP address of the outgoing interface. DSR will work, but the clients will receive a response from an IP address that is not of the configure RADIUS server. This may (but should not) work for various clients. This may of changed, in recent years. YMMV.

XMPP: rblayzor.AT.inoc.net
PGP Key: 78BEDCE1 @ pgp.mit.edu

> On Jul 29, 2016, at 5:19 AM, Hartmaier Alexander <alexander.hartmaier at t-systems.at> wrote:
> When you configure the VIP as loopback on every radiator server and bind
> radiator to this ip the reply packets should be sent from it.

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