[RADIATOR] Two "@" in User-Name: first Realm is used

Roland Rosenfeld rrosenfeld at netcologne.de
Tue Sep 16 08:39:57 CDT 2014

Hi Eike!

Eike Lohmann schrieb am Dienstag, den 16. September 2014:

> Inseide the HandlertTry to rewrite the username like:
> RewriteUsername      s/\@^net(cologne|aachen)\.de//

Thanks for this interesting approach.

Than I had to use %n (full username including realm) instead of %U
(username with stripped off realm) for the username matching to
implicitly block any additional domain/realm part?  Hmmm, this could
work, but isn't a very intuitive solution...

Isn't there a more canonical way to implement this, which I will
understand (without too many comments in the configuration) next year,



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