[RADIATOR] add Attributes when retrying to a new Host in AuthROUNDROBIN (radiator Digest, Vol 63, Issue 14)
David Zych
dmrz at illinois.edu
Thu Oct 2 10:48:33 CDT 2014
On 08/25/2014 02:51 PM, Heikki Vatiainen wrote:
> There is now ReplyTimeoutHook in Radiator 4.13 patches. The arguments it
> is passed are the same as the arguments of NoReplyHook except that there
> are only two arguments. If you need to access the reply, 3rd argument
> with NoReplyHook, it's available via $p->{rp} as usually.
> This hook is called when there is no reply from the current Host. It is
> not called for every retransmission, only when the current Host is
> deemed to have failed for the request. After the hook is called, the
> next Host is tried, if there is one.
> Please let me know how it works.
> Thanks,
> Heikki
Hi Heikki,
It's taken me longer than I had hoped to circle back around to this, but
I wanted to say thanks very much for the new patches! I am using them
now to cope much more gracefully if one of my back-end "worker"
processes gets stalled by an external dependency (i.e. ntlm_auth).
Here are the key pieces, for the benefit of anyone else trying to
accomplish something similar.
In main instance...
# Helper AuthBy to proxy stateless inner authentication requests to
# worker instances using simple round robin.
Identifier workerproxy
include %D/private/localhost.secret
# give up if worker doesn't respond within this time
RetryTimeout 3
# do not retry against the same worker
Retries 0
# transparently work around problems affecting only a single worker,
# but limit our attempts per request (by default, ROUNDROBIN tries
# every Host once unless already marked down by FailureBackoffTime)
# for two reasons: 1) eventually it will be too late for a reply to
# be useful to the client, and 2) there might be something special
# about this particular request that's triggering the problem.
MaxTargetHosts 2
FailureBackoffTime 1
# enable workers to identify and proactively IGNORE any proxied
# request old enough that this main instance has already given up on
# it (note: same system, so no worries about clock skew). This
# ensures that we won't exacerbate an external bottleneck scenario
# by wasting our limited resources processing stale requests.
StripFromRequest X-Proxy-Timestamp,X-Proxy-Timeout
AddToRequest X-Proxy-Timestamp=%t,X-Proxy-Timeout=3
ReplyTimeoutHook sub { CITES::proxy_updateTimestamp(@_) }
AuthPort %{GlobalVar:radius.authworker1.port}
AuthPort %{GlobalVar:radius.authworker2.port}
AuthPort %{GlobalVar:radius.authworker3.port}
AuthPort %{GlobalVar:radius.authworker4.port}
# no accounting requests should end up here
# AuthRADIUS ReplyTimeoutHook: update X-Proxy-Timestamp before forwarding to
# next Host
sub proxy_updateTimestamp
my $attrname = "X-Proxy-Timestamp";
my ($p,$fp) = @_;
$$fp->change_attr($attrname, time);
&main::log($main::LOG_DEBUG, "Set $attrname = ".$$fp->get_attr($attrname), $$p);
In worker instance...
Identifier localhost
include %D/private/localhost.secret
# always handle "duplicate" requests from self
DupInterval 0
# identify (and log) proxied requests too old to be worth answering
PreHandlerHook sub { CITES::ignore_expired(@_) }
# ignore requests flagged as expired by the above hook
<Handler Client-Identifier=localhost, IGNORE_EXPIRED=1>
Identifier localhost-ignoreExpired
DefaultResult IGNORE
# PreHandlerHook for localhost Client: if the request was proxied too long
# ago to be worth answering now, log an error and set IGNORE_EXPIRED to
# trigger the Handler.
sub ignore_expired {
my ($tsattr, $windowattr) = qw(X-Proxy-Timestamp X-Proxy-Timeout);
my $p = shift;
my ($ts, $window) = map { $$p->get_attr($_) || return } ($tsattr, $windowattr);
my $age = time - $ts;
if ($age < 0 or $age > $window) {
&main::log($main::LOG_ERR, "Ignoring expired request for ".$$p->getUserName().": $tsattr is ${age}s old", $$p);
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