[RADIATOR] Preventing Computer/Machine Authentication in AuthBy NTLM

Michael Rodrigues mrodrigues at education.ucsb.edu
Mon Jun 9 12:31:34 CDT 2014

Hi Heikki,

Thanks for the reply. I got caught up in other things or I would have 
responded sooner.

I got the non-EAP handler setup and made a handler specifically for 
Accounting Requests.

The only issue I can find with my config is that users can circumvent my 
UserBlacklist by changing the capitalization of their username. I'm 
surprised Active Directory allows this, but we had a similar problem 
when we were authing against LDAP.

I tried implementing the solution here: 

But I can still authenticate as "Mrodrigues" when I have "DEFAULT 
User-Name = /^mrodrigues$/i Auth-Type = Reject" in the users file. I did 
also have the "DEFAULT Auth-Type = Accept" at the end. I tried changing 
the default "Accept" to "Reject":

Mon Jun  9 10:07:21 2014: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler 
'EAP-Message=/.+/', Identifier 'OUTER_HANDLER'
Mon Jun  9 10:07:21 2014: DEBUG:  Deleting session for loo,, 80
Mon Jun  9 10:07:21 2014: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthGROUP:
Mon Jun  9 10:07:21 2014: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthFILE: 
Mon Jun  9 10:07:21 2014: DEBUG: Radius::AuthFILE looks for match with 
78:d6:f0:97:f7:d3 [loo]
Mon Jun  9 10:07:21 2014: DEBUG: Radius::AuthFILE REJECT: No such user: 
78:d6:f0:97:f7:d3 [loo]
Mon Jun  9 10:07:21 2014: DEBUG: Radius::AuthGROUP: 
Mon Jun  9 10:07:21 2014: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthNTLM: 
Mon Jun  9 10:07:21 2014: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 9, 80, 25
Mon Jun  9 10:07:21 2014: DEBUG: Response type 25
Mon Jun  9 10:07:21 2014: DEBUG: EAP Success, elapsed time 3.258261
Mon Jun  9 10:07:21 2014: DEBUG: EAP result: 0,
Mon Jun  9 10:07:21 2014: DEBUG: Radius::AuthGROUP: OUTER_NTLM_AUTHBY 
result: ACCEPT,
Mon Jun  9 10:07:21 2014: DEBUG: Handling with AuthINTERNAL: 
Mon Jun  9 10:07:21 2014: DEBUG: Changed Request User-Name to Mrodrigues 
from Reply inner_identity
Mon Jun  9 10:07:21 2014: DEBUG: Radius::AuthGROUP: 
Mon Jun  9 10:07:21 2014: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthFILE: 
Mon Jun  9 10:07:21 2014: DEBUG: Reading users file 
Mon Jun  9 10:07:21 2014: DEBUG: Radius::AuthFILE looks for match with 
Mrodrigues [loo]
Mon Jun  9 10:07:21 2014: DEBUG: Radius::AuthFILE REJECT: No such user: 
Mrodrigues [loo]
Mon Jun  9 10:07:21 2014: DEBUG: Radius::AuthFILE looks for match with 
Mon Jun  9 10:07:21 2014: DEBUG: Radius::AuthFILE ACCEPT: : DEFAULT [loo]
Mon Jun  9 10:07:21 2014: DEBUG: Radius::AuthGROUP: OUTER_USER_BLACKLIST 
result: ACCEPT,
Mon Jun  9 10:07:21 2014: DEBUG: AuthBy GROUP result: ACCEPT,
Mon Jun  9 10:07:21 2014: DEBUG: Access accepted for Mrodrigues
*Mon Jun  9 10:07:21 2014: DEBUG: Hook changed User-Name to Mrodrigues**
**Mon Jun  9 10:07:21 2014: WARNING: Invalid reply item Auth-Type ignored*
Mon Jun  9 10:07:21 2014: DEBUG: Packet dump:

It seems as if the regex in the users file just isn't matching 
"Mrodrigues". Using the simpler version without regex works fine if the 
user file contains:

"mrodrigues    Auth-Type = Reject"

Here's my config:

##########                      ##########
#####   Radiator Configuration       #####
#########                       ##########

##      Updated 6/9/2014
##      Note this file is derived from pre-testing version provided by 

#These are the clients from which calls to the RADIUS server are allowed.
#Don't confuse it with the wireless clients, they're different.
         Secret testing123

#This handler catches all "Accounting-Request" packets.
#We only log Start and Stop accounting packets as Alive
#packets are basically useless for our purposes. If you
#would like to grab these packets, delete the "HandleAcctStatusTypes"
#directive below, or edit as obviously necessary.
<Handler Request-Type=Accounting-Request>

     # Logfile for accounting packets
     <Log FILE>
         Filename    logfile-ad-auth

# This catches computers trying to auth
<Handler User-Name=/^host\//>
     Identifier    COMPUTER_AUTH_HANDLER
     <AuthBy INTERNAL>
         Identifier     COMPUTER_AUTH_REJECT
         RequestHook     sub { &main::log($main::LOG_DEBUG, "Computer 
account authentication requested, rejecting request..."); return 

# Inner PEAP handler
<Handler TunnelledByPEAP=1>
     Identifier    PEAP_INNER_HANDLER
     <AuthBy NTLM>
         Identifier    PEAP_INNER_NTLM_AUTHBY
         NtlmAuthProg    /usr/bin/ntlm_auth 
--helper-protocol=ntlm-server-1 --require-membership-of="AD+Domain Users"
         Domain         AD
         EAPType        MSCHAP-V2

# Inner TTLS handler
<Handler TunnelledByTTLS=1>
     Identifier    TTLS_INNER_HANDLER
     <AuthBy NTLM>
         Identifier    TTLS_INNER_NTLM_AUTHBY
         NtlmAuthProg    /usr/bin/ntlm_auth 
--helper-protocol=ntlm-server-1 --require-membership-of="AD+Domain Users"
         Domain         AD
         EAPType        MSCHAP-V2

<Handler EAP-Message=/.+/>

     Identifier     OUTER_HANDLER

     <AuthBy GROUP>

         AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept

         # Make sure MAC address is not blacklisted..
         <AuthBy FILE>
             Identifier        OUTER_MAC_ADDRESS_BLACKLIST
             # Calling-Station-Id attribute is the user's MAC in this case.
             AuthenticateAttribute     Calling-Station-Id
             Filename         /etc/radiator/MacAddrBlacklist.txt

         # Set up the outer tunnel SSL connection
         <AuthBy NTLM>
             Identifier        OUTER_NTLM_AUTHBY
             NtlmAuthProg        /usr/bin/ntlm_auth 
--helper-protocol=ntlm-server-1 --require-membership-of="AD+Domain Users"
             Domain             AD
             EAPType            PEAP, TTLS
             EAPTLS_CertificateType     PEM
             EAPTLS_PrivateKeyFile /etc/radiator/certs/radiatordev.key

         # Get inner_identity after it is exported to the Reply, then 
use it to set the Request User-Name
         <AuthBy INTERNAL>
             Identifier     OUTER_BLACKLIST_REWRITE
             RequestHook     sub { my $rq = $_[0]; my $rp = $_[1]; 
$rq->changeUserName($rp->{inner_identity}); &main::log($main::LOG_DEBUG, 
"Changed Request User-Name to $rp->{inner_identity} from Reply 
inner_identity"); return $main::ACCEPT;}

         # Check User blacklist
         <AuthBy FILE>
             Identifier     OUTER_USER_BLACKLIST
             Filename     /etc/radiator/UsernameBlacklist.txt


     # If Reply is Access-Accept, send User-Name from inner_identity for 
logging, session table.
     PostProcessingHook     file:"goodies/eap_acct_username_mod.pl"

# Handles and rejects all non-EAP authentication requests

     Identifier NON_EAP_HANDLER

     <AuthBy INTERNAL>
         Identifier     NON_EAP_REJECT
         AddToReply    Reply-Message = Use an EAP method.
         RequestHook     sub { &main::log($main::LOG_DEBUG, "Non-EAP 
authentication requested, rejecting request..."); return $main::REJECT;}

#This logs to /var/log/radius/logfile
#Not really necessary, we have SQL logs.
<Log FILE>
Filename logfile


On 5/18/2014 4:26 PM, Heikki Vatiainen wrote:
> On 05/13/2014 11:15 PM, Michael Rodrigues wrote:
>> I would like to REJECT any non-EAP in the outer handler. I've tried to
>> rearrange things to have only AuthBy FILE in the outer hanlder, having
>> AuthBy NTLM only in each inner handler.
> Hello Michael,
> try this:
> <Handler EAP-Message=/.+/>
>     # your current config for <Handler>
> </Handler>
> # Default Handler
> <Handler>
>     # Catches everything non-EAP
>     # Could reject with e.g., AuthBy INTERNAL
> </Handler>
> Note that the above may require setting another Handler before the
> default to catch the accounting, if this Radiator instances receives
> accounting too.
>> This would also (I think)
>> require me to move my AuthBy INTERNAL to each inner handler so that it
>> can get inner_identity once it is unpacked after AuthBy NTLM. After this
>> I would AuthBy FILE for blacklist.
>> However, I can't seem to get my outer handler to drop non-EAP requests:
> I'd say the two Handler approach requires you not to rearrange internals
> or require any large changes.
> Please let us know how it works.
> PS. I've been traveling lately so unfortunately it took a bit longer
> than usual to reply.
> Thanks,
> Heikki

Michael Rodrigues
Technical Support Services Manager
Gevirtz Graduate School of Education
Education Building 4203
(805) 893-8031
help at education.ucsb.edu

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