[RADIATOR] PEAP and realm check

Klara Mall klara.mall at kit.edu
Tue Aug 19 17:55:56 CDT 2014


On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 12:34:36AM +0300, Heikki Vatiainen wrote:
> Hopefully the above helps. With %u the users can use
> anonymous at colubris-test to hide the real username (the inner
> identity in PEAP/EAP-MSCHAP-V2) but will need to have the correct
> realm.

The above made it very clear to me what is going on here. It works
like a charm now. Thank you very much. :)

I think I prefer %0 to %u because then it would be identical to
TTLS/PAP. I.e. I can write in the user guide: "please make sure that
your inner identity contains the vlan realm." As far as I understand
the anonymous identity is without effect then (they can use
anonymous or anymous at colubris-test or ...). Hope I got that right.
My tests look like that anyway.


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