[RADIATOR] Apcon Radius dictionary entry

Jason Griffith jason at rjay45.co.uk
Thu Aug 14 09:13:56 CDT 2014

Hello all,

We were hunting around for this today but could not find it within the
included dictionary entry with Radiator. Hopefully it will be useful to
someone else and maybe be added in the future?

This is for the Apcon range of IntellaPatch devices. We had a few that
could only authenticate with Radius and the following dictionary entries
seem to work for this:

VENDOR      Apcon   10830
VENDORATTR 10830   Apcon-User-Level  1  integer
VALUE   Apcon-User-Level  Default   0
VALUE   Apcon-User-Level  Guest     1
VALUE   Apcon-User-Level  Operator  2
VALUE   Apcon-User-Level  Advanced  3
VALUE   Apcon-User-Level  Admin     4


Jason Griffith
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