[RADIATOR] Correction to CheckPoint Gaia dictionary entry

Jason Griffith jason at rjay45.co.uk
Mon Apr 14 15:26:00 CDT 2014

Hi, I'd just thought I'd share this with anyone who is interested. I was
troubleshooting Radius with the Gaia CheckPoint OS today and found that we
had problems assigning roles to users via the Radius attributes. We fixed
this by modifying the following in the Radiator dictionary file:

We replaced the commented lines with the VENDORATTR lines.

# CheckPoint
VENDOR    CheckPoint  2620
#ATTRIBUTE CP-Gaia-User-Role   229 string
#ATTRIBUTE CP-Gaia-SuperUser-Access  230 integer

VENDORATTR  2620  CP-Gaia-User-Role   229 string
VENDORATTR  2620  CP-Gaia-SuperUser-Access  230 integer

After we made this change the User Role seemed to function correctly. I
hope this helps.

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