[RADIATOR] Radiator/AuthWimax.pm BS ID Questions

Adam O'Reilly adam at oreilly.bz
Sun Apr 13 23:07:57 CDT 2014

Hello Everyone,


Just wanting to find out the reasoning behind this:

22 # $Id: AuthWIMAX.pm,v 1.21 2012/12/13 20:19:47 mikem Exp $


200     my $bsid = $p->get_attr('WiMAX-BS-ID');

201     ($napid, $bsid) = unpack('a3 a3', $bsid)

202         if (defined $bsid);


The reason is we are seeing WiMAX-BS-ID come in like this


WiMAX-BS-ID = 0000000XX0000XX001


(Removed the identifying parts)


The AuthWimax Code then inserts irt into the device_session table as:


          bsid: 000


Any help would be greatly appreciated.





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