[RADIATOR] EAPContext inner_identity

David Zych dmrz at illinois.edu
Mon Sep 30 19:21:39 CDT 2013

I want my PEAP and TTLS outer handlers' AuthLog messages to include the inner EAP identity (for both success/accept and failure/reject).  The accept case is fairly straightforward using %{Reply:User-Name}.  The reject case is more difficult, but now that I'm running the latest Radiator I can take advantage of $p->{EAPContext}.

I see that EAP_21 (TTLS) sets $context->{inner_identity} immediately when constructing the tunneled request, so I can easily use a PostAuthHook on the outer handler to read it and fake it into a request attribute for FailureFormat.

However, EAP_25 (PEAP) only sets $context->{inner_identity} in replyFn after the inner authentication succeeds.  In order for it to be available in case of reject, I'm experimenting with using a second PostAuthHook on the inner handler to _set_ {outerRequest}->{EAPContext}->{inner_identity}.  This seems to work in my testing so far, but I'm worried that it might have unintended consequences.

I was wondering: is there an important reason that EAP_25 does *not* set $context->{inner_identity} as soon as the identity is available (or at least also in the reject case of replyFn)?

If yes, there's something going on that I don't understand, in which case setting it myself via PostAuthHook could cause problems and I should consider altering my plan.  If no, then my plan is sound, but setting it in EAP_25 would be even better and save me a PostAuthHook.  :)


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