[RADIATOR] err while running radpwtst

Kavitha Kamarthy kkamarthy at arubanetworks.com
Wed May 29 15:25:36 CDT 2013

I have installed radiator on my linux using the Linux RPM installation steps.
When I run radpwtst, all the requests are timing out
[root at kkamarthy-linux:/etc/radiator]$radpwtst
sending Access-Request...
No reply
sending Accounting-Request Start...
No reply
sending Accounting-Request Stop...
No reply

This is what I see in the logfile. Any suggestions as to how to fix this issue ?

[-linux:/var/log/radius]$tail -f logfile
Compilation failed in require at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/Radius/Realm.pm line 17, <CONFIG> line 36.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/Radius/Realm.pm line 17, <CONFIG> line 36.
Compilation failed in require at (eval 40) line 3, <CONFIG> line 36.

Wed May 29 13:18:46 2013: ERR: Unknown object 'Realm' in /etc/radiator/radius.cfg line 36
Wed May 29 13:18:46 2013: DEBUG: Finished reading configuration file '/etc/radiator/radius.cfg'
Wed May 29 13:18:46 2013: DEBUG: Reading dictionary file '/etc/radiator/dictionary'
Wed May 29 13:18:46 2013: DEBUG: Creating authentication port
Wed May 29 13:18:46 2013: DEBUG: Creating accounting port
Wed May 29 13:18:46 2013: NOTICE: Server started: Radiator 4.11 on kkamarthy-linux (LOCKED)
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