Vicaretti Vincenzo (Guest) vincenzo.vicaretti at guest.telecomitalia.it
Wed Mar 6 04:16:55 CST 2013

Hi all,

Stress-test performed has saturated the server's CPU
I have Enabling the multi-thread through the parameter FarmSize, the CPU usage goes down a lot, so we are considering the integration of support for multi-threading in our configuration.

In your documentation shows that I can use the parameter FarmSize with both AuthBy RADIUS with each its sub-balancing methods.

My back-end (Microsoft IAS) do not support the algorithm "UseContentsForDuplicateDetection." This, however, is essential to enable the FarmSize on frontend (Radiator) in combination with the EAPBALANCE balancing algorithm:

"It is essential That this parameter be defined in the Client clauses of back-end servers of an EAPBALANCE Server Farm architecture, Otherwise duplicate detection will not be performed Correctly."

I can not use the method EAPBALANCE with backend like Microsoft IAS, as I wrote in this Vatiainen Heikki mail:

I read in your documentation:

"<AuthBy EAPBALANCE> [...] Is Intended To ensure that all EAP requests Relating to a single session always go to the same target RADIUS server"

- To balance the EAP-SIM, EAP-TLS and PEAP I am obliged to use the EAPBALANCE algorithm?

- Alternative balancing algorithms (ROUNDROBIN, VOLUMEBALANCE or LODABALANCE) maintain session persistence?

- To enable multi-threaded through the FarmSize (ServerFarm) with IAS back-end, can I use a balancing algorithm alternative? There are any contraindications?

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