[RADIATOR] quota counter updates on "quotacounter" mysql table
Thomas Kurian
thomas at kccg.com
Mon Feb 11 05:07:18 CST 2013
Dear All,
I have rearranged the configuration as per your recommendation below
(config is attached at end), i have removed realms and using only handlers:
/But the first thing you should do is to reorganise your configuration file:/
/1. Use just Handlers
2. Handlers can not be inside Realms
3. Order the Handlers correctly: first matching Handler is selected
Maybe something like this:
# Global options
# <Client ...> clauses
<Handler Acct-Status-Type = Stop>
# Config to handle just the Stops
<Handler Request-Type = Accounting-Request>
# Maybe the contents of <Realm DEFAULT> from below go here?
I think part of the problem is the requests are not processed by
Handlers and AuthBys as you are planning. The configuration
reorganisation should help with that.
// But when i defined "Handler Acct-Status-Type = Stop" first (before
Handler Request-Type = Accounting-Request) in my configuration, entries
to "ACCOUNTING" table stops logging. But when the configuration is like
the below, "ACCOUNTING" table does get updated with real time entries.
But the issue which i noticed is that ,the configuration lines under
the section "Handler Acct-Status-Type = Stop" is not working at all in
either cases./
/ Note that : Here the "quotacounter" table is a table which was created
by myself (after field definition in mysql) but there are no updates to
the quotacounter table.
"monthlycounter" and "totalcounter" fields are not getting updated in
"quotacounter table" as expected.
Is there something to be added in mysql configuration or radiator
config under the section handler acct-status-type=stop.
Help me out, i am getting totally stuck here. According to radiator
docs, your previous email and other info on net, my config seems to be
okay. But there is no results though because of the above
explained.Please check the configuration and recommend solution.
Current Configuration
AcctPort 1813
AuthPort 1812
LogDir /var/log/radius
DbDir /etc/radiator
# Use a low trace level in production systems. Increase
# it to 4 or 5 for debugging, or use the -trace flag to radiusd
Trace 4
# You will probably want to add other Clients to suit your work site,
# one for each NAS you want to work with
<Client DEFAULT>
Secret xxx
DupInterval 0
Secret xxx
DupInterval 0
NasType Cisco
# Accept processing of other accounting requests of the genre start and
<Handler Request-Type = Accounting-Request>
<AuthBy SQL>
DBSource dbi:mysql:radius
DBUsername xxx
DBAuth xxx
AccountingTable ACCOUNTING
AcctColumnDef USERNAME, User-Name
AcctColumnDef ACCTSTATUSTYPE,Acct-Status-Type
AcctColumnDef FRAMEDIPADDRESS,Framed-IP-Address
AcctColumnDef ACCTINPUTOCTETS,Acct-Input-Octets
AcctColumnDef ACCTOUTPUTOCTETS,Acct-Output-Octets
AcctColumnDef TIME_STAMP,Event-Timestamp
AcctColumnDef ACCTSESSIONTIME,Acct-Session-Time
AcctColumnDef ACCTDELAYTIME,Acct-Delay-Time
AcctColumnDef ACCTSESSIONID,Acct-Session-Id
AcctColumnDef ACCTTERMINATECAUSE,Acct-Terminate-Cause
AcctColumnDef NASIDENTIFIER,NAS-Identifier
AcctColumnDef NASPORT,NAS-Port
AcctColumnDef ACCTSESSIONID,Acct-Session-Id
Log accounting to a detail file
AcctLogFileName %L/detail
#For strictly processing with Accounting Stop packets
<Handler Acct-Status-Type = Stop>
<AuthBy SQL>
#Identifier Block-Quota-SQL
DBSource dbi:mysql:radius
DBUsername xxx
DBAuth xxx
AccountingTable quotacounter
AuthSelect select username, monthlycounter, totalcounter from
quotacounter \
where username='%n' \
And type = 'Q'
AuthColumnDef 0, User-Name, check
AcctSQLStatement update quotacounter set monthlycounter =
monthlycounter + 0%{Acct-Input-Octets} \
where username='%n' \
And Type = 'Q'
AuthSelect select username, totalcounter from quotacounter \
where username='%n' \
And Type = 'Q'
AcctSQLStatement update quotacounter set totalcounter =
totalcounter + 0%{Acct-Input-Octets} \
where username='%n' \
And Type = 'Q'
# PostAuthHook file:"%D/thomas.pl";
Thanks & Best Regards,
Thomas Kurian
IT Security Engineer (B.Tech. -- Electrical)
Kuwaiti Canadian Consulting Group (www.kccg.com)
T: +965 22435566
F: +965 22415149
E: thomas at kccg.com
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