[RADIATOR] PEAP/MSCHAPv2 auth fails with username at realm

Christopher Bongaarts cab at umn.edu
Thu Nov 1 16:38:26 CDT 2012

I'm trying to debug a problem with PEAP/MSCHAPv2 authentication against 
LDAP as part of spinning up eduroam.  I've included the relevant 
Handlers from the configuration below, and the inner authentication part 
of the (sanitized) log from an attempt to authenticate.  Despite the 
password being correct, the authentication fails.

This configuration works for MSCHAPv2 without PEAP (i.e. using the 
TunneledByPEAP Handler as the actual handler instead of the PEAP outer 
handler) if I have the RewriteUsername uncommented.

I've tried to stick to the eduroam recipes for Radiator as much as 
possible, but I'm having trouble getting the MSCHAP auth to use the 
"username at realm" syntax while having LDAP search on just the username 
portion to find the user.

Any ideas?  TIA...
%%  Christopher A. Bongaarts   %%  cab at umn.edu          %%
%%  OIT - Identity Management  %%  http://umn.edu/~cab  %%
%%  University of Minnesota    %%  +1 (612) 625-1809    %%
----radiator config excerpt----
<Handler Client-Identifier=WIRELESS, TunnelledByPEAP=1, 
         # umn.edu - that's us! authenticate locally.
         # MUST PRECEDE outer tunnel handler in the conf file!
         Identifier WIRELESS-IN
	<AuthBy GROUP>
         # Strip the realm from all requests
         # so LDAP will match against the bare username
         #RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/

         # let eap handling fall thru to next levels

         <AuthBy LDAP2>
                 Host            ldapserver-1.tc.umn.edu
                 include %D/ldap-common.cfg
                 AuthAttrDef umnValidUntil, ValidTo, check
                 AuthAttrDef umnValidAfter, ValidFrom, check

         <AuthBy LDAP2>
                 Host            ldapserver-2.tc.umn.edu
                 include %D/ldap-common.cfg
                 AuthAttrDef umnValidUntil, ValidTo, check
                 AuthAttrDef umnValidAfter, ValidFrom, check

         AuthLog myauthlog

<Handler Client-Identifier=WIRELESS, Realm=/^(.*\.)?umn\.edu$/i>
         # umn inbound, outer tunnel handler
         Identifier WIRELESS-IN-TUNNEL
         <AuthBy FILE>
                 # file containing word "anonymous" less quotes on its 
own line
                 Filename %D/dot1x_anon

                 EAPType PEAP
                 EAPAnonymous %0

                 EAPTLS_CAFile %D/eaptls-cas.crt
                 EAPTLS_CertificateChainFile %D/eaptls.crt
                 EAPTLS_CertificateType PEM
                 EAPTLS_PrivateKeyFile %D/eaptls.key
                 EAPTLS_PEAPBrokenV1Label 1
                 EAPTLS_MaxFragmentSize 1024

         AuthLog myauthlog
         AcctLogFileName %L/%Y/wireless_tunnel_detail.%y%m%d
-----file:  dot1x_anon-----
-----file: ldap-common.cfg-----
         AuthDN          cn=Radius Manager, ou=Application Services, 
o=University of Minnesota, c=US
         AuthPassword    (insert pw here)
         BaseDN          o=University of Minnesota, c=US
         UsernameAttr    uid
         EncryptedPasswordAttr    umnNTPasswordHash

         Version 3

         # include all attributes needed for authz later
         AuthAttrDef umnXythosStatus, X-Xythos-Status, request
         AuthAttrDef umnADMemberOf, X-AD-Member, request

         # EAP Type settings
         EAPType MSCHAP-V2

         # don't bother looking up DEFAULT user if auth fails

         # persist connections as long as possible
-----log message for attempted auth----
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Received from 192.168.XX.XX port 20000 ....
Code:       Access-Request
Identifier: 134
Authentic:  <163><211>\<191><27><216><0><162><189><200>4d/Co<219>
         NAS-Port-Id = "AP419/2"
         Calling-Station-Id = "60-67-20-XX-XX-XX"
         Called-Station-Id = "00-0B-0E-XX-XX-XX:Eduroam"
         Service-Type = Framed-User
         User-Name = "cab at umn.edu"
         NAS-Port = 46701
         EAP-Message = 
         NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE-802-11
         NAS-IP-Address = 192.168.XX.XX
         NAS-Identifier = "Trapeze"
         Message-Authenticator = 

Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler 
'Client-Identifier=WIRELESS, Realm=/^(.*\.)?umn\.edu$/i'
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG:  Deleting session for cab at umn.edu,, 46701
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthFILE:
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 8, 107, 25
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG: Response type 25
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG: EAP PEAP inner authentication request 
for cab at umn.edu
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG: PEAP Tunnelled request Packet dump:
Code:       Access-Request
Identifier: UNDEF
Authentic:  ;<231>$D<236> <242><186>D<182><254>=K<219><128>r
         EAP-Message = 
<2><8><0>B<26><2><8><0>A1<175><9><147><134>NvH<140><191><253>]<194>D<7><229><235><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><201><192><223>+<192>$<185>4<20><175><155>H<135>Q<158>O<246><170>~w5Jk<28><0>cab at umn.edu
         Message-Authenticator = 
         User-Name = "cab at umn.edu"
         NAS-IP-Address =
         NAS-Identifier = "Trapeze"
         NAS-Port = 46701
         Calling-Station-Id = "60-67-20-XX-XX-XX"

Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler 
'Client-Identifier=WIRELESS, TunnelledByPEAP=1, Realm=/^(.*\.)?umn\.edu$/i'
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG:  Deleting session for cab at umn.edu,, 46701
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthGROUP:
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthLDAP2:
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 8, 66, 26
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG: Response type 26
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: INFO: Connecting to ldapserver-1.tc.umn.edu:389
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: INFO: Attempting to bind to LDAP server 
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG: LDAP got result for cn=Christopher A 
Bongaarts-2,ou=People,o=University of Minnesota,c=US
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG: LDAP got umnNTPasswordHash: 
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG: LDAP got umnXythosStatus: A
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG: Radius::AuthLDAP2 looks for match with 
cab [cab at umn.edu]
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG: Radius::AuthLDAP2 ACCEPT: : cab 
[cab at umn.edu]
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG: EAP result: 1, EAP MSCHAP-V2 
Authentication failure
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG: AuthBy GROUP result: REJECT, EAP 
MSCHAP-V2 Authentication failure
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: INFO: Access rejected for cab at umn.edu: EAP 
MSCHAP-V2 Authentication failure
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG: Returned PEAP tunnelled packet dump:
Code:       Access-Reject
Identifier: UNDEF
Authentic:  ;<231>$D<236> <242><186>D<182><254>=K<219><128>r
         EAP-Message = <4><8><0><4>
         Message-Authenticator = 
         Reply-Message = "Request Denied"

Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG: EAP result: 3, EAP PEAP inner 
authentication redespatched to a Handler
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG: AuthBy FILE result: CHALLENGE, EAP PEAP 
inner authentication redespatched to a Handler
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG: Access challenged for cab at umn.edu: EAP 
PEAP inner authentication redespatched to a Handler
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to 192.168.XX.XX port 20000 ....
Code:       Access-Challenge
Identifier: 134
Authentic:  <163><211>\<191><27><216><0><162><189><200>4d/Co<219>
         EAP-Message = <1><9><0>+<25><0><23><3><1><0> 
         Message-Authenticator = 

Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Received from 192.168.XX.XX port 20000 ....
Code:       Access-Request
Identifier: 135
Authentic:  <231>tVW<234><201>F<219>4[<175><149><163><10><228><6>
         NAS-Port-Id = "AP419/2"
         Calling-Station-Id = "60-67-20-XX-XX-XX"
         Called-Station-Id = "00-0B-0E-XX-XX-XX:Eduroam"
         Service-Type = Framed-User
         User-Name = "cab at umn.edu"
         NAS-Port = 46701
         EAP-Message = <2><9><0>+<25><0><23><3><1><0> 
         NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE-802-11
         NAS-IP-Address = 192.168.XX.XX
         NAS-Identifier = "Trapeze"
         Message-Authenticator = A?<170><182><216>e<212>s_y<151>i|9<19>~

Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler 
'Client-Identifier=WIRELESS, Realm=/^(.*\.)?umn\.edu$/i'
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG:  Deleting session for cab at umn.edu,, 46701
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthFILE:
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 9, 43, 25
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG: Response type 25
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG: EAP result: 1, PEAP Authentication Failure
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG: AuthBy FILE result: REJECT, PEAP 
Authentication Failure
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: INFO: Access rejected for cab at umn.edu: PEAP 
Authentication Failure
Thu Nov  1 16:25:22 2012: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to 192.168.XX.XX port 20000 ....
Code:       Access-Reject
Identifier: 135
Authentic:  <231>tVW<234><201>F<219>4[<175><149><163><10><228><6>
         EAP-Message = <4><9><0><4>
         Message-Authenticator = 
         Reply-Message = "Request Denied"
-----end of log-----

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