[RADIATOR] AddToReply with Diameter

Arthur Konovalov kasjas at hot.ee
Mon Mar 19 04:19:52 CDT 2012

I'm using Radiator as Diameter frontend and I'm wondering is there 
possible to use AddToReply clause with grouped attributes to the 
Diameter peer?
For instance, I want send reply to the peer like this:
Location-Information (AVP Code=350, Vendor=13019, Grouped) -> 
Line-Identifier (AVP Code=500, Vendor=13019, 

To the Radiator dictionary added:
VENDORATTR    13019    Location-Information            350        string
VENDORATTR    13019    Line-Identifier                        500        

To the diameter_attrs.dat added:
VENDORATTR    13019    Location-Information            350        Grouped
VENDORATTR    13019    Line-Identifier                        500        

I tried to add the following, but this doesn't work:
  AddToReply Location-Information, Line-Identifier="ADSL;privaccess-xxx"

If I tried to add only Line-Information AVP, then it replied, but 
without grouped AVP and peer doesn't accept it.


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