[RADIATOR] how to assign Static and Dynamic Address at same time

Luke Liu luke.l at ciktel.com
Mon Jul 30 04:58:45 CDT 2012

Dear Radiator Support,

We use group column on subscriber table to diff static IP address and Dynamic IP address for user

table: subscriber
username            password          group
test1 at xxx.com         1                0
test2 at xxx.com         1                1

user in group 0 will get static IP address, in group 1 is for dynamic IP address.
Now I can assign Dynamic IP on radiator with following

<AddressAllocator SQL>
        Identifier SQLAllocator

<Realm xxx.com>
    AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept

    <AuthBy SQL>
    #Authenticate the user with SQL
    AuthSelect select password from subscriber where username= ?
    AuthSelectParam %0
                Identifier AllocateIPAddress
                AddressAllocator SQLAllocator
                PoolHint pool1
                MapAttribute yiaddr, Framed-IP-Address
                StripFromReply PoolHint

However I do not know how to assign static IP for group 0 user?  Can you help me?

thank you very much.
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