[RADIATOR] eap + apple products - failed auth

Alan Buxey A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk
Tue Feb 28 13:58:13 CST 2012


PEAPv0 is the standard method that everyone uses that was created by RSA/Microsoft/Cisco
(I think Intel had some say as well...but cant recall)

its the usual one in almost all clients when you choose 'PEAP'

Cisco went ahead to 'fix' things and, using GTC as the inner method helped
push for the adoption of PEAPv1 (probably because of the LEAP issues....)

the 2 are different beasts and almost everyone will only ever need
PEAPv0 - PEAPv1 is a very rare beast..rarer than PEAPv2 ;-)

if you really want to know the differences the RFCs are free to read...
some people spend their evenings reading such things...i personally
dont find them that thrilling ;-)


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