[RADIATOR] Inner and outer authentication

Nuno Marques nmarques at ubi.pt
Thu Feb 23 03:59:50 CST 2012


While storing the accounting information of a TTLS authentication I noticed
that the login name being stored is the outer one and the inner
authentication (the real one) is missing in the accounting.
Is there a way to get my accounting filled up with the inner login and not
with the outer login?

Best regards,
Nuno Marques

Here's some of the code that I'm using:

<AuthBy LDAP2>
        Identifier      PessoalAlunos
        Host            ubi.pt
        Port            3268
        EAPType         PEAP, TTLS, TLS
        EAPTLS_CAFile /etc/radiator/certificate.pem
        EAPTLS_CertificateFile /etc/radiator/certificate.pem
        EAPTLS_CertificateType PEM
        EAPTLS_PrivateKeyFile /etc/radiator/key.pem
        EAPTLS_PrivateKeyPassword whatever
        EAPTLS_MaxFragmentSize 1000
        SSLeayTrace 4
        AuthDN          cn=ldap,cn=Users,dc=ubi,dc=pt
        AuthPassword    rt78mn!"
        BaseDN          dc=ubi,dc=pt
        Scope           sub
        UsernameAttr    cn

<Handler Realm=/pessoal.ubi.pt/i, TunnelledByTTLS=1>
        AuthByPolicy ContinueAlways
        AuthBy SQLAccounting
        RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
        AuthLog localusers
        AcctLogFileName %L/%Y-%m-local-detail
        AuthBy PessoalAlunos

<Handler Realm=/pessoal.ubi.pt/i>
        AuthByPolicy ContinueAlways
        AuthBy SQLAccounting
        AuthLog localusers
        AcctLogFileName %L/%Y-%m-local-detail
        AuthBy PessoalAlunos


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