[RADIATOR] Radiator Crash. SQL Timeout.

Ricardo Martinez rmartinez at redvoiss.net
Mon Dec 17 08:34:08 CST 2012

Hello list.

We’re experiencing several crashes of our Radius service and we don’t have
any clue why this could be happening.

We’re using an AuthBY SQL against an ORACLE database.  We have 5 to 6 more
instances running in the same server without any problem, but two of them
are crashing once a day. This is part of the configuration file :


DbDir           /usr/src/Radiator-4.9

LogDir          /var/log/radiator

DictionaryFile  %D/dictionary,%D/dictionary.sip,%D/dictionary.kamailio

AuthPort 1654


BindAddress XX.XX.XX.XX

# This will log at DEBUG level: very verbose

# User a lower trace level in production systems, typically use 3

Trace  3


<Handler Request-Type = Access-Request, NAS-IP-Address=XX.XX.XX.130>

        # Look up user details via SQL

        <AuthBy GROUP>

            AuthByPolicy ContinueUntilAccept

            <AuthBy SQL>

                DBSource        dbi:Oracle:xxxxx

                DBUsername      raxxxxxx

                DBAuth          radxxxx

                Timeout         2

                FailureBackoffTime      60

                SQLRetries      1


                #Incluye Info de Anexo en CLI

                AuthSelect select
sip1.hola.net', \


                ';cli='||a.numero || fg.
glbl_pkg.dejanumeros('%{Calling-Station-Id}') ||
';cnam='||'%{Calling-Station-Id}'|| \

                ';rid=-1;expires=45;np_expires=15;maxcc='||b.canales from
fg.fc_mayo_numero a,fg.fc_mayo_gateway b, \

                fg.fc_mayo_gateway_ip c where a.gate_cod=c.gate_cod and
b.gate_cod=a.gate_cod and c.ip='%{User-Name}' and \

                a.orden=1 and b.mayo_esta_cod=1 and b.voiss_esta_cod=1 and

                AuthColumnDef 0, h323-ivr-in, reply


            <AuthBy SQL>

                DBSource        dbi:Oracle:xxxxx

                DBUsername      raxxxxxx

                DBAuth          radxxxx

                Timeout         2

                FailureBackoffTime      60

                SQLRetries      1


                AuthSelect select
sip2.hola.net', \


                ';cli='||a.numero|| fg.
glbl_pkg.dejanumeros('%{Calling-Station-Id}')|| \

from fg.fc_gateway_numero a,fg.fc_gateway \

                b,fg.fc_gateway_ip c where a.gate_cod=c.gate_cod and
b.gate_cod=a.gate_cod and c.ip='%{User-Name}'  \

                and b.admin_esta_cod=1 and a.orden=1 and c.tipo_servicio=1

                AuthColumnDef 0, h323-ivr-in, reply


             <AuthBy INTERNAL>

                    DefaultResult REJECT



       PostAuthHook file:"%D/SCRIPT_POSTAUTHHOOK"


This is the debug before the crash :

Sun Dec 16 14:03:22 2012 764008: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthGROUP:

Sun Dec 16 14:03:22 2012 764431: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL:

Sun Dec 16 14:03:22 2012 764774: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL:

Sun Dec 16 14:03:22 2012 765795: DEBUG: Query is: 'select

@sip1.hola.net <http://sipmy.redvoiss.net>',
';cli='||a.numero || fg.

glbl_pkg.dejanumeros('14802321589') || ';cnam='||'14802321589'||
';rid=-1;expires=45;np_expires=15;maxcc='||b.canales from fg.fc_may

o_numero a,fg.fc_mayo_gateway b, fg.fc_mayo_gateway_ip c where
a.gate_cod=c.gate_cod and b.gate_cod=a.gate_cod and c.ip='66.165.170.

214' and a.orden=1 and b.mayo_esta_cod=1 and b.voiss_esta_cod=1 and

Sun Dec 16 14:03:24 2012 766859: ERR: Execute failed for 'select

mero||'@sip1.hola.net <http://sipmy.redvoiss.net>',

|| fg. glbl_pkg.dejanumeros('14802321589') || ';cnam='||'14802321589'||
';rid=-1;expires=45;np_expires=15;maxcc='||b.canales from fg

.fc_mayo_numero a,fg.fc_mayo_gateway b, fg.fc_mayo_gateway_ip c where
a.gate_cod=c.gate_cod and b.gate_cod=a.gate_cod and c.ip='66.1

65.170.214' and a.orden=1 and b.mayo_esta_cod=1 and b.voiss_esta_cod=1 and
c.tipo_servicio=1': SQL Timeout

And then the service crashes.

Could be a problem with the Select?, or maybe a bug for the Timeout?.  I
have made the same configuration file in a lab enviroment, without the
“select” and if the database give me SQL Timeout it goes to the Next Policy
without any problem.

Radius Version : 4.9

Perl : perl5 (revision 5 version 10 subversion 1)

OS : CentOS 6.0

Kernel :  2.6.32-71.el6.x86_64

Hope someone could help me here.


Ricardo Martinez.-
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