[RADIATOR] MySQL deadlocks using Galera

Ian Mordey Ian.Mordey at allurian.com
Tue Apr 17 03:58:40 CDT 2012

Thanks for the response. I'm doing replace into statements for the DB
inserts. Show engine innodb status looks alright to me (although I'm not
100% sure what I'm looking for!).

Is there a way to alter the deadlock timeout?


On 17/04/2012 05:30, "Ben Lisle" <ben at ben.net.au> wrote:

>I'd check what is happening in MySQL land first (do a show engine
>innodb status;).  A lock often occurs when a transaction is not able
>to complete within the deadlock timeout.  Are you doing updates on a
>column (rows are locked on indexes during those updates etc)?
>On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 10:57 PM, Ian Mordey <Ian.Mordey at allurian.com>
>> Hi there
>> I'm attempting to use radiator backing off to a MySQL cluster running
>> replication. I have three radiator boxes and transactions are getting
>> written to the DB but I'm getting lots of these errors:
>> Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction
>> Any ideas how I can stop this happening so much?
>> Thanks
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